ETH Meets New York 2018

New York, June 22, 2018 – Security Technologies Enabling the Future: From Blockchain to IoT

ETH Meets You

How can we develop new models of cybersecurity that create trusted and safe digital networks? The Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and other technologies have the potential to bring transparency, security, and efficiency, but without a proper governing framework for their use, these innovations can leave us with a vexing set of short and long-term governance challenges.

This symposium provided insight and a comprehensive overview of the latest trends, use cases, and research in the field of Security Technologies.

Programme and Talks

Please find the Downloadprogramme (PDF, 1 MB) and the videos of the talks here.

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ETH Meets New York 2018

ETH Meets New York 2018


Friday, June 22, 2018
6.00-7.30 pm, followed by a reception

DownloadProgramme (PDF, 1 MB)


externe SeiteNational Sawdust
80 North 6th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11249



externe SeiteChris Luebkeman
Arup Fellow & Global Director, Arup Foresight

externe SeiteSusan Kish
Executive, Entrepreneur, Advisor



externe SeiteChristina Ayiotis
Cybersecurity & Information Governance Leadership & Consulting

externe SeiteMatthias Bossardt
Head of Cyber Security, KPMG

Lorenz Breidenbach
System Security Group, ETH Zurich

externe SeiteDaniel Dobrygowski
Head of Governance and Policy for the Global Centre for Cybersecurity, World Economic Forum

externe SeiteDan Guido
Co-Founder & CEO, Trail of Bits

externe SeiteNorma Krayem
Senior Policy Advisor & Global Chair, Cybersecurity & Privacy Policy and Regulatory Team, Holland & Knight

externe SeiteRaffael Marty
Vice President of Corporate Strategy, Forcepoint

externe SeiteSilvan Tschopp
Vice President Customer Success, Open Systems AG

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