Further news
Here you will find a selection of the latest notifications, articles and news from the departments as well as from various administrative departments of ETH Zurich.
Improving training programs for women farmers in central India
ETH student found in study how effective trainings should be in order to increase the potential for adoption. Her main research question was how training programs can become better in supporting women farmers, taking into account their gender and socio-economic background.
Tissue mechanics influences the aggressiveness of cancer
In bladder cancer, the tissue structure of the bladder determines the direction in which the tumour grows. The growth direction, in turn, influences the aggressiveness of the tumour. This was demonstrated by researchers from the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering at ETH Zurich in Basel, together with physicians from the University Hospital Basel. They recommend that tissue mechanics should be given greater consideration in future cancer research.
Materials with new properties and functions
"Living materials" could contribute to future building materials with their ability to sense and react to environmental changes, capture CO2, or self-repair. At the Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Geomatic Engineering three research groups are exploring the potential of living materials. An inside look at the ETH ALIVE initiative.
Understanding fractures: from microstructures to earthquakes
David Kammer’s research focuses on a rather unpopular phenomenon: fracture. He uses computer simulations and laboratory experiments to study fractures at all sizes. He is particularly interested in minimal changes that can have large effects on the properties of a material.
Nurturing quantum connections
As the speaker at this year's Paul Bernays Lectures, Michel Devoret,?Chief Scientist at Google Quantum AI, discussed quantum information processing with superconducting circuits – and took the time to find out about the variety of research activities in the ETH physics department.
Precise control of cell functions with light
Researchers have further developed the use of light to control cell functions. This allows them to control cells in culture in a more specific, precise and dynamic way than before. For example, it is now possible to grow tissue in specific patterns or shapes, both in conventional cell culture and in three-dimensional tissue culture. This enables the production of more sophisticated tissue and organ models for research.
How agricultural trade is destroying biodiversity in the tropics
Exporting agricultural products from tropical regions to China, the USA, the Middle East, and Europe is three times more harmful to biodiversity than previously assumed. Researchers from the Technical University of Munich and the ETH Zurich have shown this by tracking agricultural exports.
Research initiative to reduce offshore wind energy
The EU wants to increase offshore wind energy capacity from the current 12 gigawatts (GW) to 450 GW by 2050. The international research initiative HIPERWIND involving ETH researchers is developing innovative simulation models that reduce the levelized cost of energy for wind turbines by up to 9 percent.
Mapping the nanoscale architecture of functional materials
Researchers at PSI and ETH Zurich have pioneered a new X-ray-technique, which probes the orientation of a material’s building blocks at the nanoscale in three-dimensions. First applied to study a polycrystalline catalyst, the technique allows the visualisation of crystal grains, grain boundaries and defects - key factors determining catalyst performance.
Luminous tools for living cells
Michelle Frei, the new Assistant Professor of Chemical Biology and Molecular Imaging, and her team are developing chemical tools to better visualize and study cellular processes using fluorescent markers. In this article, she introduces herself.