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Outlook 2032: Service Centre of the Future (DLZ)

At this virtual information event, Ulrich Weidmann, Vice President for Infrastructure, and several project members will explain how counter services at ETH Zurich will be organised in the future.

Tuesday, 17 September 2024, 8.00 a.m. – 8.45 a.m.
Virtual event,
event language: German

external pageJoin Zoom call

Support for additional childcare costs

You are an ETH member, attending a conference, are on a short research stay, have to go on a business trip or are taking part in further training and additional expenses are incurred for the care of your child/children? Then you can apply for the Robert Gnehm Grant.

Invitation to the mindfulness workshop

Link to website

Visit a pilot workshop on the new mindfulness learning programme on 18 September from 3 to 4 pm (in German). Information and registration.

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