ETH News

All stories that have been tagged with Press release

New research infrastructure: 'Alps' supercomputer inaugurated

Press release

ETH Zurich is growing faster than in previous years

Press release

For a world without barriers

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Operating from 9,300km away

Press release

An architectural gem and cutting-edge research facility in Basel

Press release

New gel breaks down alcohol in the body

Press release

Financial uncertainty threatens ETH Zurich’s top position

Press release

Artificial intelligence detects heart defects in newborns

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World’s most powerful supercomputers support UN SDGs and global sustainability

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ETH spin-offs – an annual record set in 2023

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ETH Zurich receives major donation and plans teaching and research centre in Germany

Press release

What should be done with all the carbon dioxide?

Press release

Joint initiative for trustworthy AI

Press release

Diverse forests hold huge carbon potential, as long as we cut emissions

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Closer partnership between ETH Zurich and the United Nations

Press release

ETH continues to grow

Press release

From zero to one hundred in 0.956 seconds

Press release

Science inspires tens of thousands

Press release

An investment in more research to benefit children and adolescents

Press release

Favoured asylum seekers are young, female and fleeing war

Press release

More than just winning medals

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A new space for clinical research

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ETH Zurich and EPFL launch a green energy coalition

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A furnace for safe timber buildings

Press release

Generating power with blood sugar

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Stop Hate Speech: alliance F and ETH Zurich set up Switzerland’s first foundation for online public discourse

  • Press release
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Patchwork of issues limits solar expansion

  • Press release
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Digital twins, new cancer treatments and three unicorns

Press release

Constructive approach to error-making boosts innovation

Press release

Classical study programmes particularly popular at present

Press release

In search of the origin of life

Press release

ETH and UBS launch partnership to promote innovation and entrepreneurship

Press release

Swiss population wants to expand development cooperation

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Wearable muscles

Press release

Breast cancer spreads at night

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Fighting the pandemic in Africa: When distancing rules are futile

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A world first: for the first time, a human liver was treated in a machine and then successfully transplanted

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Swiss Science celebrates Hansj?rg Wyss

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Individual funding is history

Press release

Are these the last ERC grants for ETH?

Press release

Battling climate change and the pandemic

Press release

Quantum computing breakthrough in error correction

Press release

Robots build new hanging gardens

Press release

A look forward and an emotional goodbye

Press release

The future of learning: Student Project House opens

Press release

A new Lab for Science in Diplomacy in Geneva

Press release

Light construction, efficient operation

Press release

Back to the lecture hall

Press release

On artificial skin and natural packaging

Press release

The anatomy of a planet

Press release

ETH Zurich and PSI found Quantum Computing Hub

Press release

Global glacier retreat has accelerated

Press release

Two Advanced Grants for ETH

Press release

Data science and artificial intelligence for the public good

Press release

How cities can grow sustainably

Press release

ETH and HSG launch a joint executive education programme

Press release

A new take on an old mystery

Press release

Antiviral textiles and vertical farming

Press release

Engineering at the service of humanitarian aid

Press release

Seven ERC Consolidator Grants for ETH Zurich

Press release

A boost for quantum research

Press release

ETH celebrates its anniversary and takes stock

Press release

Cybathlon moves despite distance

Press release

Outstanding synergies in quantum research

Press release

Leading European universities unite to battle climate change

Press release

New centre for AI research

Press release

Job satisfaction decreases with digitisation

Press release

How ETH Zurich spin-offs strengthen the Swiss economy

Press release

Two additional vice presidents strengthen ETH Zurich

Press release

Cybathlon 2020 with live broadcast from 23 countries

Press release

?As personal as possible?, despite coronavirus

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Twelve ERC Starting Grants for ETH Zurich

Press release

District gets an upgrade with new student housing

Press release

New Centre for Climate Research in Davos

Press release

Mathematics can save lives at sea

Press release

Lighting the path for cells

Press release

ERC Advanced Grants for two ETH researchers

Press release

ETH suspends classroom teaching

Press release

Cybathlon postponed due to coronavirus

Press release

Circulatory failure is predictable

Press release

Cybathlon 2020: More than just a competition

Press release

World Premiere in Zurich: Machine keeps human livers alive for one week

Press release

A successful year for ETH-spin-offs

Press release

Administrative investigation concluded

Press release

ETH researchers on the road to success

Press release

“Future-ready graduates”

Press release

ETH plans competence centre for holistic rehabilitation

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ETH scores highly on interdisciplinarity

Press release

ETH continues to grow – healthcare professions are particularly popular

Press release

Feeling legs again improves amputees’ health

Press release

Natural ways of cooling cities

Press release

ERC Starting Grants: new record for ETH

Press release

Scientific research draws crowds

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How trees could help to save the climate*

Press release

Carbon-neutral fuel made from sunlight and air

Press release

ETH expands its leadership structure

Press release

Exposing modern forgers

Press release

Moving people and technology

Press release

ETH Zurich publishes investigation report

Press release

First-class ETH researchers with a strong European image

Press release

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