Congratulations with a hoodie
Bachelor students who passed their first-year examinations were given a special hoodie from ETH Rector Sarah Springman – as congratulations for passing their exams but also to strengthen the students' bond with their university.
Tuesday afternoon in the main building at ETH Zurich, a crowd of students gathers, almost like a rugby match. They cluster around a row of tables, present the assistants with a voucher and receive a hoodie wrapped in plastic with the embroidered logo 'ETH Zürich – best. 2015.' Most of them pulled on the hoodie straight away, posing like models and taking photos with their phones. Everyone was clearly excited about the unexpected addition to their wardrobes.
This hoodie is also a special gift. It is the first time that bachelor students who passed their first-year examinations have received a hoodie. They were designed by ETH Zurich especially for this campaign in order to congratulate the students on their exam performance.
"We know how tough the first-year examinations are for students," says ETH Rector Sarah Springman, "which is why we wanted to honour all those who overcame this hurdle with this hoodie." The students should be proud of their performance, and demonstrate this by wearing the hoodie both inside and outside the ETH community. "I hope that this honour strengthens the students' bond with ETH," emphasises the Rector, who was on hand to give out the hoodies.
Run on hoodies
1,690 bachelor students who passed their first-year examinations received a congratulatory letter and voucher, which they could use to pre-order the hoodie in one of the two ETH stores. The response rate exceeded all expectations: 92 percent of students order one – in absolute numbers this equated to 1,565 hoodies.
The first-year examinations are the first challenge in the bachelor's programme. This year around 2,600 students from all subject areas took the exams, of which 1,690 (around 65%) passed. Those who did not pass the exams on the first attempt can take them again next year and look forward to a hoodie with 'best. 2016' embroidered on the logo.
The hoodie is a gift in both senses of the word: a gift to the ETH students and a gift to ETH itself since the costs of the sweatshirts were covered by the Huber-Kudlich Foundation.
Speaking of which: students who want to redeem their voucher later on can do so in one of the two ETH stores in the centre or at the H?nggerberg campus. Anyone who missed out can only hope that one or two hoodies are leftover – and only then while stocks last.
Hoodie for bachelor students