4. Arrival & starting your stay


31 October


How to get your refund

Follow these steps:

  • Upload in the workflow of Mobility-Online one PDF file that merges the following:
    • Scan from the back and front side of your Half Fare Travelcard (or GA Travelcard)
    • Original receipt that shows the sum paid and your name
  • You can only upload one PDF.
  • The money will then be transferred to your bank or post account until the end of December at the latest.
  • If you do not hand in the PDF on time, you forfeit your right to receive a refund.

In the following two cases you are not entitled to a refund and must inform the Reception Service within the deadline:

  • You do not purchase one of the described travelcards.
  • Your supervisor or institute has already paid for your travelcard.
  • You are allowed to take up to 5 weeks / 25 days of leave per year (pro rata) without the scholarship being reduced or suspended.
  • Any absence must be agreed with your supervisor.
  • Any absence of two weeks or more must additionally be reported to the Reception Service in good time before your departure.
  • You are responsible for clarifying your insurance situation when you leave Switzerland. Please contact your insurance company directly and, if necessary, take out additional travel insurance at your own expense.
  • Check possible visa requirements for your journey.

Contact persons

  • Administrative matters: Reception Service, Sandra Zweifel, , Tel +41 44 632 51 52
  • Academic matters: FCS Delegate, Prof. Stefano Bernasconi, , Tel +41 44 632 36 93
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