
Short-answer surveys in the lecture hall

Last updated February 28, 2025.

This tool allows instructors to spontaneously pose open-ended questions during lectures and receive a summary of the student replies. Typical questions could be, "What is still unclear?," or "What do you think will happen if ...?"

The instructor would start a new poll as shown below.

Starting a poll
Starting a new poll

The system generates a QR-code, which can be projected in the lecture hall.

QR code
A QR code generated by Ethel
Phone screenshot
Students enter their responses using their phones

Students can enter answers using their phones until the instructor closes it.

Students do not need to login to Ethel to respond, and all entries are anonymous.

Ethel then summarizes the received responses; the instructor can choose to show the summary to the whole course.

Poll Summary
Poll Summary

This feature is available for all instructors at ETH after logging in to Ethel.

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