Learning to Teach

This course imparts a variety of teaching skills which will help Doctoral Teaching Assistants with their teaching tasks.

Course content

  • Basics of student learning processes
  • Active student engagement
  • Assessing students’ progress

Is this course for me?

This programme is designed for ETH Doctoral Teaching Assistants with current teaching responsibilities (exercises, excursions, supervision of practicals, lectures, etc.) or those who will assume teaching tasks in the semester following the programme. No previous teacher training is required. For funding reasons, persons who have no connection with ETH may not take part in the programme.

We also conduct two additional introductory workshops in didactics for new Doctoral Teaching Assistants at ETH.

For Learning to Teach alumni
TeachForward: Bridging Theory to Practice for Doctoral TA's is suitable for ?Learning to Teach? alumni.

Or browse our other courses.


"Learning to Teach" is an online course. More information and the registration link is available in the ETH course catalogue.

Programme coordinator

Karin Brown
Lecturer at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences

Abt. für Lehre und Lernen
Haldenbachstr. 44
8092 Zürich


Mirjam Bigler

Lehrentwicklung und -?technologie
HAD G 11
Haldenbachstr. 44
8092 Zürich

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