Evaluation criteria

Focal point and teaching project proposals

  • ETH members who have at least a 50% post and a teaching assignment may apply.
  • The proposal corresponds to the vision and goals of ETH Zurich (improving student education).
  • The project duration is a maximum of 2 years.
  • Teaching projects begin 4 months after submission at the earliest; focal point projects begin 1 month after submission at the earliest.
  • The funds requested are used mainly towards building the competences of those involved in the project (faculty, doctoral Assistants, students, project staff).
  • Personnel funds:
    • How many person-months are required for which tasks?
    • Who will perform these tasks?
    • What portion is to be covered by Innovedum? Provide a few lines per funding body.
    • Existing ETH staff who work full-time (e.g. doctoral students) may not be employed using Innovedum funds. Part-time positions may, however, be topped up using these funds provided that it can be plausibly demonstrated that the tasks connected with the  Innovedum project do not compete with normal research tasks. For doctoral students it is possible to use Innovedum funds to finance increases in workload due to additional (Innovedum) project responsibilities.
    • Guidelines for ETH salaries:
      •     Assistant: CHF 90,000.- (100% employment level)
      •     Scientific staff: CHF 100'000.- bis 120'000.- (100% employment level)
            Employer contributions are included in these amounts.
  • Funds for consumables: Travel expenses, apéros, catering and large investments in IT infrastructure, equipment etc. are not financed via Innovedum. The departments have their own budgets for these purposes.
  • Any outsourcing (e.g. software development) requires at least one competing tender. The reasons for outsourcing must be supplied.
  • Innovation for teaching and learning at ETH beyond the normal ongoing course development process
  • Structured didactic and conceptual project design
  • Inclusion of the student perspective in the project design and the planned project implementation
  • Ensure the flexible usability and accessibility of the new learning media and materials (e-accessibility)
  • Prospect of success based on successful delivery of the project plan (realistic implementation plan: clear and convincing project goals and project plan, necessary resources are available)
  • Sustainability / continued use of the project results beyond the end of the project (possibility follow-up projects)
  • Transferability and possible dissemination of the educational innovation to a wider audience (e.g. other universities, course or departments)
  • Project communication: Project insights will be made accessible to interested ETH lecturers.
  • Coherent evaluation plan
  • If applicable: Plan for managing personal data
  • Appropriateness of the planned costs (such as the expected efforts, expect results in relation to the number of students affected)
  • Only Focus topics: Project investigates aspects of a specific focus topi
  • Funding for summer or winter schools is only possible if new teaching concepts are tested within them. Furthermore, repeated implementation and sustainability of the concepts must be guaranteed
  • Consideration of the strategic change project "Examinations and Academic Calendar at ETH" (PAKETH): the consistent integration of course units and performance assessments and the corresponding handling of student workload, learning objectives (competencies) and activities.
  • Especially relevant for teaching projects PAKETH Edition: Embedding of the project within the curriculum adaptations resulting from PAKETH.

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