Smart Farming - Was heisst das für die Schweiz?

New technical achievements bring about new opportunities, but they also arouse fears and lead to a number of interesting questions.

Smart Farming

Smart Farming - What are the implications for Switzerland?

Friday, 15 June 2018, 7 pm, ETH H?nggerberg HCI G3

New technical achievements bring about new opportunities, but they also arouse fears and lead to a number of interesting questions.

A panel at ETH Zurich with Swiss Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann and prominent speakers from academia, agronomy and industry will discuss the implications of digitalisation for Swiss agronomy.

The event will be held in German. Please also refer to the German webpage for details.

Registration is mandatory: external page


19:00 Begrüssung / Welcome
Lino Guzzella
, Pr?sident ETH Zürich

Swiss Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann

Smart Farming aus Sicht der Agrarwissenschaft
Prof. Achim Walter, ETH Zürich

Hanspeter Hunkeler, Vision Landwirtschaft, Francis Egger, Schweizer Bauernverband, Michael Buser, fenaco, Corinne Müller, Müller Siblingen GmbH;

Moderation Tobias Müller, SRF

20:15 Networking Apéro

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