Call for Academia-Industry Training (AIT) Singapore

The Leading House Asia in collaboration with Venturelab has launched the first call for the Academia-Industry Training (AIT) Singapore. The application deadline is 14 October 2022.


The AIT is open to master's, doctoral students or postdoctoral scientists currently enrolled or affiliated at Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences, and public research institutes.

Open to 10 selected participants who are at the ideation or already founding stage of their applied research project.


Call launch: 5 September 2022
Application deadline: 14 October 2022
Jury day: 3 November 2022
Trip to Singapore: 25 February - 3 March 2023
Earliest project start: November 2022

For more details about the AIT Singapore 2022 and to apply, please visit the external page call page directly on Venturelab website. 

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