Berlin Science Week 2024

ETH Meets Berlin 2024

ETH Meets You at the Berlin Science Week 2024 from November 1st to 2nd, 2024. Covering a spectrum from nature's silent dialogue to lifelong learning, ETH Zurich hosts two events at this years' Berlin Science Week.

Berlin Science Festival 2024


external pageBerlin Science Week 2024, the Inernational Science Festival

RETHINKING Communication

RETHINKING Communication

Fr | 1. November 2023 | 18.00  - 19.30 CET | Museum für Naturkunde, New Normal Hall

Nature's Silent Dialogue: Unraveling the Hidden Networks of Communication in the Natural World and Beyond

Thie event will be live streamed. The link will follow in due course

More information will follow soon



Sa | 2. November 2023 | 17.00  - 18.30 CET | Museum für Naturkunde, New Normal Hall

Lifelong Learning: Building Adaptive Education for a Rapidly Changing World

Thie event will be live streamed. The link will follow in due course

More information will follow soon


Alexandra Cron
Community & Outreach
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