Prix Zonta for Simone Schürle-Finke
Simone Schürle-Finke, Professor of Reactive Biomedical Systems at ETH Zurich, together with Andrea Ablasser, a physician from EPFL, has been awarded the Prix Zonta 2019 by the Swiss Zonta Clubs in recognition of her achievements in the field of science and technology.
Simone Schürle-Finke and her team at ETH Zurich develop tiny machines in the micro- or nanometer range for medical applications in the human body. For example, these systems could react to altered pH values or certain enzymatic activities and communicate this information externally to help in diagnostics. Or they could be used as vehicles to transport active substances into the tissue where they are needed. In addition, the researcher hopes to investigate the development of metastases in cancer more closely.
The Zonta Science Prize, endowed with 30,000 Swiss francs, is awarded every two years to women for their excellent achievements in scientific and technical fields. The aim is to encourage women to train and get involved in these areas. Schürle-Finke received the award on Saturday at the KKL Lucerne, as part of the 100th anniversary of Zonta in Switzerland. Zonta International is a global NGO dedicated to improving the status and lives of women.