Emmanuel Frossard receives CSRS-Eremitage Award

Together with a group of colleagues from C?te d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Sri Lanka, Emmanuel Frossard has received the 10th CSRS-Eremitage Award for Scientific Research in Partnership. A professor of Plant Nutrition at the Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS), Frossard has linked in his research yam crop physiology to the development of crop management practices in West Africa.

Emmanuel Frossard. Photo: Giulia Marthaler

This distinction was awarded in recognition of Emmanuel Frossard’s research throughout several projects between 1999 and 2019, undaunted by C?te d’Ivoire’s civil war. "It is indeed a great recognition, one which proves the value of pursuing our work over such a long period of time," said Emmanuel Frossard. His current project, YAMSYS, focuses on current issues facing farmers and seeks to develop soil and crop management options that are biophysically, economically and institutionally feasible, so as to sustainably improve yam yields, food security and the income of all the actors along the yam value chain in West Africa.

About the CSRS-Eremitage Award

The CSRS-Eremitage Award for Scientific Research in Partnership is awarded by the Foundation Board of the Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en C?te d’Ivoire (CSRS) every two years. Its objective is to honour outstanding researchers for their contributions to research conducted in partnerships between scientific institutions from the North and C?te d’Ivoire and / or other West African countries. Established in 2001 for the anniversary of the CSRS, it is supported financially by the Eremitage Fund based in Basel, Switzerland.

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