Lenny Winkel receives EAG Science Innovation Award

Lenny Winkel, associate Professor of Inorganic Environmental Geochemistry at ETH Zurich and Eawag, has been honoured with the Science Innovation Award by the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG).

Prof. Lenny Winkel
Prof. Lenny Winkel

Lenny Winkel has made major contributions to the understanding of selenium occurrence in soils and arsenic occurrence in groundwater. She integrates global-scale mapping and data analysis based on chemical modeling and machine learning with geochemical experimentation based on molecular-scale interrogation of biogeochemical processes.

Based on these outstanding contributions Lenny Winkel is awarded the 2022 EAG Science Innovation Award, which was named in honor of Heinz Lowenstam for his work in biogeochemistry. In addition, Winkel will receive the honorary title of Geochemistry Fellow for her major contributions to the field of geochemistry. The 2022 Science Innovation Award Lecture will be presented at the Goldschmidt2022 Conference in Honolulu in July.

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