New vegetable storage on the Hönggerberg campus: harvest share of ‘meh als gmües’

From October onwards, the vegetable co-operative 'meh als gmües' will have a depot at ETH on the first basement floor of the HIB on the H?nggerberg campus. Isabelle Castagna spoke with Orlando Scholz, member of the operating group, about the offer and the benefits for the ETH community.

Isabelle Castagna: Orlando, what is ?meh als gmües??

Olando Scholz: Meh als gmües is a vegetable cooperative in Zurich North and works according to the principles of community-supported agriculture. In concrete terms, this means that members buy a share of the harvest for an entire season – April to March – in advance, help with production – directly or indirectly – for at least 20 hours per share during this season and collect the harvested vegeta-bles from one of three depots every week or have them external page delivered to their homes (DE only). In this way, the members enable a sustainable agricultural business with fair wages and diverse production.

How did you get involved and what is your role there?

I got to know "meh als gmües" through a garden tour during the Sustainability Week. Convinced by the concept, I soon joined as a member. Shortly afterwards, as an elected board member, I was able to expand my rather theoretical studies in agricultural sciences at the ETH with exciting practical experience. Even today - 6 years later - in my role as an honorary member of the farm group, I am still able to help organize and coordinate the farm and continue to learn new things through exciting challenges.

There is now a depot directly on the 1st basement level of the HIB at ETH H?nggerberg. Who can collect the vegetables there?

Anyone who has a harvest share of "meh als gmües" or a trial subscription may collect vegetables. (Download See location on the map (JPEG, 137 KB))

...and when are the fresh vegetables ready there?

With a harvest share, you get fresh vegetables from communal production every week. From 1 October, the vegetables can be collected from the new depot on the H?nggerberg on Tuesdays.

What does a harvest share (EAT) cost?

Everyone is involved in "meh als gmües": Each harvest share includes at least 20 hours of work. Of course, you can also contribute even more according to your own interests and abilities.
In addition, there is an annual operating contribution of between 800 and 1200 francs per harvest share, depending on the financial situation and one’s own discretion.
At least one share certificate of CHF 250 must be purchased per harvest share; this is a one-off payment and will be repaid on cancellation of membership. It is used for machinery, for example.

Registration process

  1. Become a member of the co-operative by subscribing for at least one share certificate of CHF 250. Refundable after leaving, at the end of each season.
  2. Order one or more harvest shares (EAT), depending on the amount of vegetables you need each week. You need one share certificate per harvest share.
  3. As soon as a place becomes available for you, you will receive a confirmation. The season starts in April. If you join during the season, your commitment and the price of the harvest shares for that season external page will be reduced proportionately.
  4. Register online for upcoming work assignments, which you then carry out in the garden. There are work assignments totalling 20 hours per harvest share and season.
  5. Obtain fresh vegetables weekly from one of four depots.


For more information, visit the website: meh als gmües - external page The vegetable co-operative in Zurich North

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