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Colour & colourants | Friday Forum on Heritage Preservation 2025

In the House of Colour (Haus der Farbe), regional colour cultures are researched and made visible in order to create awareness of historical and epoch-specific colours and their influence on the identity of places. A prerequisite for this research is a comprehensive knowledge of the history and properties of binders and pigments. The Friday Forum on Monument Preservation is a joint event organised by ETH Zurich and the University of Bern in cooperation with ICOMOS Suisse, the Conference of Swiss Monument Conservators, the Working Group for the Preservation of Historic Monuments, the Society for the Art of Civil Engineering and the ETH Material Hub. Event language: German

Friday, 7 March 2025, 16.15–17.30, Haus der Farbe
Further information and registration

International Women's Day at ETH

This Saturday, 8 March, is International Women's Day – and ETH is celebrating the occasion with a variety of events.

Support for additional childcare costs

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(Image: Colourbox)

You are an ETH member, attending a conference, are on a short research stay, have to go on a business trip or are taking part in further training and additional expenses are incurred for the care of your child/children? Then you can apply for the Robert Gnehm Grant.

ETH Store re-opened

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The ETH Store branches at Zentrum and H?nggerberg are open again and their range of products has been available since 17 February 2025. Following a two-month renovation phase, the ETH Store is now part of 必博官网,必博体育 Services.

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