Individual collaborations in research, teaching and knowledge transfer


  • Employees of domestic and international research partners of ETH professorships without a written agreement and as part of an informal exchange of knowledge. There is no need for on-site presence.
  • Guest speakers who have been invited to ETH and do not have a teaching assignment within the meaning of Art. 17a of the ETH Act
  • Students from other institutions for personal development


Research purpose; purpose of knowledge transfer or loose exchange


  • Employment outside ETH


  • Student from another institution


Work and residence permit

A work and residence permit cannot be obtained via ETH for this guest category. This must be secured from the guest's employer or from the guest themselves if the guest is staying in Switzerland.

The document DownloadDocuments for guests (PDF, 131 KB) (in German) lists the documents required for each guest category and the regulations for work permits and family reunification.


If services are required that are not specified in the table above: please use an IT support ticket to clarify whether these can be made available.

General overview

The authorisations for all guest categories can be found on the General overview of authorisations website.

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