#StayCurious - Programme

19 – 21 November 2024: Three days full of inspiration, ideas and exchange for all ETH employees. Aha-moments included. 


Find out more about the sessions and register now! (Follow the link under 'Details and registration')

Participation is free of charge. As the number of places is sometimes limited, we thank you for registering early.

19. November 2024, 12.45 – 13.45, ETH AudiMax


"I have no time!"

Be inspired by a captivating conversation with the famous time researcher and author Hartmut Rosa about our constant shortage of time, the acceleration of modern society and how we can counter it.

We probably all know this feeling and have said it countless times: “I have no time!” But why do we have the impression that we have less and less time, despite having gained more thanks to technological progress? Has our perception of time changed? Where does this acceleration come from? What impact does the acceleration of society have on our social relationships, our family life and the way we work together each day? And is there anything we can or should learn in order to cope with acceleration?

Whether it's a short visit or lingering until the last sip of coffee: take the time to be part of an inspiring afternoon.

Our guest:

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Rosa is one of the most renowned sociologists of our time. His books Acceleration and Resonance have not only attracted international attention, but have also reached a wide audience. Rosa teaches and researches at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany, and is Director of the Max Weber College at the University of Erfurt.


In German, with simultaneous translation into English (headsets for translation limited to 110 persons)


12.45 – 12.50: Welcome by Dr. Julia Dannath, Vice President for Personnel Development and Leadership, VPPL
12.50 – 13.30: "I have no time!", a conversation with Prof. Dr. Hartmut Rosa
13.30 – 13.45: Questions from the audience
13.45 – 14.30: Closure and conversations with coffee and cake in the foyer (limited to 250 people)

external page Registration for "I have no time!"

19. November 2024, 16.00 – 17.30, Online


Learning in Action - How interacting with others can help you excel

Join this fascinating session with?Emily Cross, neuroscientist and dancer, about how our brains learn from and with others – whether with colleagues, dancers, musicians – or even robots.  

How do our brains develop as we try out new tasks and activities? What is it like when we learn with humans vs. digital tools? Are we learning even when we just watch our colleagues? Can robots also engage us through social learning?

From mastering new tools to improving your dance skills through observation, Cross shares insights about cutting edge research and the science of learning. In the second part of this session, you will explore different topics in small peer groups and add to ETH’s dialogue about lifelong learning.

Our guest:

Prof. Dr. Emily Cross is a cognitive neuroscientist and passionate dancer. She leads the Professorship for Social Brain Sciences at ETH, where she and her team explore questions concerning how we acquire expertise through observation, learn from watching the performing arts, or collaborate effectively with embodied robots.




16.00 – 16.05: Welcome
16.05 – 16.30: ?Learning in Action? – Input talk by Prof. Dr. Emily Cross, Q&A
16.30 – 16.40: Introduction to Breakout Sessions / Learning Labs
16.40 – 17.10: Break out ?Learning Labs?
17.10 – 17.30: Plenary and Closing

external page Registration for 'Learning in Action'

20. November 2024, 10.00 – 11.00, Online


Lernen und Neugier - Was hat das mit meiner beruflichen Entwicklung an der ETH zu tun?

Du bist technisch-administrative:r Mitarbeitende:r und m?chtest dich inspirieren lassen von Experten-Inputs und Entwicklungserfahrungen anderer Mitarbeitender an der ETH? Dann ist diese Session für dich!

Language: German

Was heisst berufliche Entwicklung eigentlich? Wieviel entwickeln wir uns in und mit dem aktuellen Job? Wieviel kann ich dabei steuern und gestalten? Was darf ich von der ETH erwarten und was ist Selbstverantwortung? Findet Mobilit?t an der ETH statt, was braucht es dazu und wo sind die Grenzen?

Nebst einem Input zur Bedeutung von Neugier und Lebenslangem Lernen für unsere berufliche Entwicklung berichten technisch-administrative Mitarbeitenden von ihren eigenen Erfahrungen und Aha-Erlebnissen.

Our guests:

Ueli Lott ist HR-Partner des D-EAPS und Wyss Zürich. Er verfügt über 30 Jahre HR-Erfahrung in unterschiedlichen Branchen und ist seit neun Jahren in der Funktion an der ETH.

Christine Kaiser ist Leiterin des Career Centers und seit fast neun Jahren an der ETH. Sie verfügt über 30 Jahre Erfahrung in den Bereichen Talententwicklung und Laufbahnberatung.

Drei technisch-administrative Mitarbeitende mit Entwicklungserfahrung an der ETH.




10.00 – 10.05 Uhr: Begrüssung
10.05 – 10.20 Uhr: Input Christine Kaiser
10.20 – 10.50 Uhr: Podiumsdiskussion
10.50 – 11.00 Uhr: Q&A


external page Registration for 'Lernen und Neugier'

20. November 2024, 12.45 – 14.00, Online


From Insight to Impact – Leadership perspectives on Lifelong Learning and Team Success

Join us for an enlightening panel featuring leaders from industry, sports, academia, and the public sector as they explore how lifelong learning drives individual and team success, and the potential barriers we must overcome.

Maintaining a productive learning culture is the responsibility of team leaders – or is it? How can leaders and team members alike nurture a culture that celebrates curiosity and lifelong learning for everyone? Are there barriers that we have to overcome to create such environments? How crucial is lifelong learning for an organisation or company as a whole? Does learning in a professional football team, for instance, differ from the learning in other types of teams? And what does our former president of the COVID taskforce think about learning in both academic settings and within society at large?

These topics and other interesting questions will be discussed by our panelists. Towards the end of the session, audience members will briefly discuss ideas about integrating lifelong learning at ETH and then listen to final insights from our panelists.

Whether you lead or you are led – this session gives you the chance to voice your thoughts and ideas about lifelong learning at ETH.

Guest speakers:

Dr. Nadia Eggmann is the Head of Talent and Organizational Development at the Swiss Post holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of St. Gallen.  

Dr. Bernhard Heusler is the former president of FC Basel and a respected legal expert, holding a degree in law from the University of Basel.

Dr. Charles Jennings is a co-founder of the 70:20:10 Institute and a pioneer in workplace learning and performance, with a degree in Information Management from the University of Newcastle.

Prof. Dr. Tanja Stadler (D-BSSE) is a leading researcher in computational biology and holds a doctorate in Mathematics from ETH Zurich. She served as the president of the COVID taskforce.

Martin Ghisletti leads the Development and Leadership office at ETH Zürich, holds degrees in management and coaching from the University of St. Gallen and INSEAD, respectively.




12.45 – 12.50: Welcome and Introduction
12.50 – 13.25: Panel discussion and Q&A
13.25 – 13.30: Introduction to break out sessions
13.30 – 13.45: Break out sessions
13.45 – 14.00: Plenary and Closing

external page Registration for 'From Insight to Impact'

20. November 2024, 17.00 – 17.30, Online


L3H - Deine neue Lernwelt an der ETH

Du kennst die neue, digitale Lernplattform für ETH Mitarbeitende noch nicht? Dann wird es Zeit! In dieser kurzen Online Session führt dich Gabriel Erismann in die Plattform ein, erkl?rt dir die Handhabung und Funktionalit?ten und beantwortet deine Fragen.

Language: German

Flexibles und individuelles Lernen, das sich in deinen pers?nlichen Arbeitsalltag integrieren l?sst, wird immer wichtiger. Weltweit haben Unternehmen daher digitale Lernplattformen eingeführt. Mit der Plattform L3H (Lifelong Learning Hub) bietet dir auch die ETH die M?glichkeit, kleine bis grosse Lernangebote, die für deine Funktion an der ETH wichtig sind, einfach zu finden und dann zu absolvieren, wenn es für dich passt.

Ob Podcast, E-Learning oder Kurs vor Ort – es sind deine Kompetenzen, deine Neugier und deine Chance, die Plattform kennen zu lernen.

Our guest:

Gabriel Erismann is a Technical Learning Manager in the Development and Leadership office at ETH and holds a master's degree in Digital Education.




17.00 – 17.20: Welcome and introduction to the L3H platform
17.20 – 17.30: Q&A


external page Registration for 'L3H - Deine neue Lernwelt'

21. November 2024, 09.30 – 10.45, Online


Learning and working in the age of digitalization – the good, the bad and the ugly.

Join us for an engaging, thought-provoking and timely talk by Prof. Dr. Martin Korte, neurobiologist and author, where he examines the effects of digital overstimulation on the brain and provides practical strategies for addressing it.

The mobile phone rings, the smart watch beeps and the reminder for the next meeting pops up on our desktop. And while we answer an urgent e-mail and confirm today’s lunch with a peer via chat, we scroll through our social media account and think about where to spend our next holiday.

Digital overstimulation is without doubt a huge challenge for our society. But how does digital media impact our brains? Are there beneficial impacts, too? Is multitasking a myth and what are the implications on our cognitive performance? Do we lose the ability to focus? And what are the strategies for people of all ages to navigate and benefit from the digital world?

Our guest will demonstrate this and more, delivering the complex topic in a humorous and easily understandable way for everyone.

This session is your opportunity to focus, stay curious, and take away new insights.

Our guest:

Prof. Dr. Martin Korte researches and teaches at TU Braunschweig and is one of Germany’s most cited neurobiologists. He is an expert on learning, memory acquisition and loss, and a prominent public speaker and author. His books Frisch im Kopf (‘Fresh in mind’) and Jung im Kopf (‘Young in mind’) are bestsellers popular with a very broad audience.




09.30 – 09.35: Welcome and Introduction
09.35 – 10.30: ‘Learning and working in the age of digitalization’ – Talk by Martin Korte
10.30 – 10.45: Q&A and closing

external page Registration for 'Learning and working in the age of digitalization'

21. November 2024, 11.30 – 12.00, Online


L3H – Your new learning world at ETH

Not yet familiar with the new digital learning platform for ETH employees? Then it's about time! In this short online session, Monique Zimmermann will give you an introduction to the platform, explain its functionalities and how it works, and answer your questions.

Flexible and individual learning, that can be integrated into your personal working day, is becoming increasingly important. Companies around the world have therefore introduced digital learning platforms for their employees. With the L3H (Lifelong Learning Hub) platform, ETH also offers you the opportunity to easily find smaller to largeer learning content that is relevant for your role at ETH and that you can complete whenever it suits you.

Whether you like podcasts, e-learnings or on-site courses - it's your skills, your curiosity and your chance to get to know the platform.

Our guest:

Monique Zimmermann is a specialist in team- and individual development at ETH and holds a degree in Psychology from TU Dresden.




11.30 – 11.50: Introduction and explanation of the L3H platform
11.50- 12.00: Q&A

external page Registration for 'L3H - Your new learning world'

21. November 2024, 12.45 – 13.45, Online


Schreibst du noch oder promptest du schon? – Lernen und Arbeiten mit KI im Alltag.

Tauche mit uns ein in KI-Tools für den Arbeitsalltag und entdecke, wie du mit GPT einfach eine Formel in Excel generierst, mit Copilot lernen kannst oder mit Gemini eine kurze, schriftliche Zusammenfassung eines ganzen Youtube-Video's erstellst. Wenn du noch gar keine oder wenig Erfahrung hast mit KI-Tools, dann ist diese Session für dich!

Language: German

Wie kann ich verschiedene KI-Tools am sinnvollsten nutzen? Was sind die wichtigsten Tipps für gutes 'Prompten'? Wie unterscheiden sich ChatGPT und Copilot von anderen KI-Tools? Gabriel Erismann zeigt es dir und beantwortet deine Fragen.

Ob kreative Inputs für einen Text oder Hilfe für eine Excel-Formel: Es ist deine Neugier und deine Chance, neue Tools für den Arbeitsalltag zu entdecken.

Our guest:

Gabriel Erismann ist Technischer Lern-Manager in der Abteilung Personalentwicklung und Leadership der ETH und hat einen Masterabschluss in Digital Education.





12.45 – 12.50 Uhr: Begrüssung
12.50 – 13.45 Uhr: Einführung in verschiedene KI-Tools für den Alltag – inkl. Q&A


external page Registration for 'Schreibst du noch oder promptest du schon?'

21. November 2024, 17.00 – 19.00, ETH Dozentenfoyer


Sinnkrise in der Arbeit – Lernen als Antwort?

Lass dich zum Nachdenken anregen bei diesem letzten Abendevent zu einem brandaktuellen Thema mit einem weiteren, besonderen Gast! Im Gespr?ch mit dem Arbeitsforscher und Philosophen Hans Rusinek beleuchten wir, weshalb nicht nur die jüngere Generation eine Sinnkrise in der Arbeit erlebt, was unsere Arbeitsweise mit der Zukunft unseres Planeten zu tun hat und ob Lernen die Antwort ist.

Language: German

Ist die Krise unserer Umwelt eine Krise unseres T?tigseins, unserer Arbeit in ihr? Ja, meint Hans Rusinek. Doch weshalb? "Warum mache ich das hier eigentlich?" Motiviert uns diese Frage oder ist sie zu einem Sinndruck geworden? Wie kann sinnvolle Arbeit heute und in Zukunft aussehen? Sollten wir Arbeit und Leistung vielleicht komplett neu denken? Und ist (Um)Lernen die L?sung?

Diesen und vielen weiteren spannenden Fragen rund um die Sinnhaftigkeit und die Zukunft unserer Arbeit und unseres Planeten gehen wir im Gespr?ch mit Hans Rusinek auf den Grund.

Ob Forscher:in oder technisch-administrative Mitarbeiter:in: Es ist deine Sinnhaftigkeit, deine Neugier und deine Chance, Teil eines inspirierenden Abends zu sein.

Our guest:

Dr. Hans Rusinek is a philosopher, economist and labor researcher. He holds a doctorate from the University of St.Gallen on the topic of meaningfulness and work, has a teaching position and advises organizations at an international level on the transformation of work. His book 'Work-Survive-Balance', published in 2023, has reached a wide audience and has been praised as “Ingenious, forward-looking, fascinating!”.




17.00 – 17.30: Doors open
17.30 – 17.35: Welcome
17.35 – 18.20: Sinnkrise in der Arbeit – Lernen als Antwort? A conversation with Hans Rusinek
18.20 – 18.30: Discussion with the audience, and closing
18.30 – 19.30: Apero

external page Registration for 'Sinnkrise in der Arbeit'

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