Old announcements

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State Date Description  
13.09.2024 06:0013.09.2024 08:00Network interruption Friday, 13th of September 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building CAB communication room G70.4Details 
12.09.2024 06:0012.09.2024 08:00Network interruption Thursday, 12th of September 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building CAB communication room G20.2Details 
11.09.2024 19:0011.09.2024 23:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS22 InfiniBand SW update at H?nggerberg location from 11.09.2024 from 7 pm until 11.09.2024 11 pmDetails 
05.09.2024 06:0005.09.2024 08:00Network interruption Thursday, 5th of September 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building CHN communication room C54.1Details 
04.09.2024 06:0004.09.2024 08:00Network interruption Wednesday, 4th of September 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building IFW communication room A33.1Details 
11.09.2024 06:0011.09.2024 07:00Renewal of RADIUS Certificate 11.09.2024Details 
21.08.2024 08:0021.08.2024 10:00Update SAPGUI 8.00Details 
13.08.2024 08:0013.08.2024 17:00WLAN Upgrade am 13.08.2024 von 8:00 bis 17:00h in FrüebüelDetails 
03.09.2024 19:0003.09.2024 21:00Wi-Fi: Changes to some SSIDs on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 7 - 9 pmDetails 
28.08.2024 00:3028.08.2024 06:30Network Interruption on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, between 12:30 AM and 6:30 AM in the RSA BuildingDetails 
13.08.2024 07:0013.08.2024 09:00Power/network interruption Tuesday August 13th, 2024 between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the STD buildingDetails 
06.08.2024 08:0006.08.2024 16:00WLAN Upgrade am 6.08.2024 von 8:00 bis 16:00h im Geb?ude HDBDetails 
30.07.2024 07:0030.07.2024 07:15reboot switch HIL H floorDetails 
30.07.2024 19:0030.07.2024 20:00WiFi: renaming of some SSIDs in building OCTDetails 
09.07.2024 17:0009.07.2024 23:55Interruption order IT shop blog and web hostingDetails 
10.07.2024 05:0010.07.2024 10:00Integral safety test Wednesday July 10th, 2024 approx. 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. in the MM buildingDetails 
12.07.2024 06:0012.07.2024 07:00Network interruption Friday, 12th of July 2024 from approx. 06:00-07:00 in the building ETA communication room F43Details 
11.07.2024 06:0011.07.2024 08:00Network interruption Thursday, 11th of July 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building ETZ communication room K60.5Details 
05.07.2024 00:0005.07.2024 06:00Network interruption Friday July 5th, 2024 from approx. 00:01 a.m. to 06:00 a.m. building HEADetails 
08.07.2024 08:0009.07.2024 08:00WLAN Upgrade vom 8.07.2024 von 8:00 - 9.07.2024 bis 12:00h im Geb?ude ONADetails 
05.07.2024 06:0005.07.2024 08:00Network interruption Friday, 5th of July 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building ETZ communication room J60.5Details 
03.07.2024 06:0003.07.2024 08:00Network interruption Wednesday, 3rd of July 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building ETZ communication room H60.5Details 
27.06.2024 17:0027.06.2024 23:55Interruption order IT shop blog and web hostingDetails 
28.06.2024 06:0028.06.2024 08:00Network interruption Friday, 28th of June 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building ETZ communication room G60.5Details 
27.06.2024 08:0027.06.2024 12:00WLAN Upgrade am 27.06.2024 von 8:00 - 12:00h im Geb?ude SWSDetails 
24.06.2024 06:0024.06.2024 09:00PaperCut Upgrade, 24.06.2024, 06:00-09:00 UhrDetails 
25.06.2024 06:0025.06.2024 08:00Network interruption Tuesday, 25th of June 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building ETZ communication room F60.5Details 
19.06.2024 06:0019.06.2024 08:00Network interruption Wednesday, 19th of June 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building ETZ communication room D95.1Details 
18.06.2024 19:0018.06.2024 21:00WiFi upgrade Tuesday, 18 June 2024, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. at ETH Zurich Centre and on the H?nggerbergDetails 
13.06.2024 06:3013.06.2024 08:00Network interruption Thursday, 13th of June 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building OCT communication room G58.2Details 
05.06.2024 19:0029.07.2024 21:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS22 efix installation at H?nggerberg location from 05.06.2024 7 pm until 05.06.2024 9 pmDetails 
04.06.2024 07:0006.06.2024 17:00Euler maintenance window 4-6 June 2024Details 
22.07.2024 08:0026.07.2024 16:00Preventive maintenance of the alarm network (alarmNet) at ETH H?nggerberg and the SLA, DEB/DFA/DFB and FELDetails 
01.07.2024 08:0005.07.2024 16:00Preventive maintenance of the alarm network (alarmNet) ETH ZentrumDetails 
06.06.2024 07:0006.06.2024 09:00Power/network interruption Wednesday June 6th, 2024 between approx. 07:00 a.m. - 09:00 a.m. in the building ETL E floorDetails 
04.06.2024 07:0004.06.2024 09:00Power/network interruption Tuesday June 4th, 2024 between approx. 07:00 a.m. - 09:00 a.m. in the building ETL G floorDetails 
03.06.2024 00:0008.06.2024 23:59Mailarchive UpgradeDetails 
08.06.2024 07:0007.08.2024 07:00Maintenance VoIP PhonesDetails 
27.05.2024 19:3027.05.2024 21:30Wi-Fi-upgrade Monday, May 27th. 2024, 19:30 - 21:30 hour, zone ALS (surrounding buildings)Details 
17.05.2024 19:0021.05.2024 05:00ETH Citrix migrationDetails 
22.05.2024 06:3022.05.2024 08:00Network interruption Wednesday, 22th of May 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building OCT communication room G58.2Details 
14.05.2024 08:0015.05.2024 17:00Power outage NAZ - Albulapass Alp WeissensteinDetails 
27.05.2024 08:0027.05.2024 12:00Update SAPGUI 8.00Details 
08.05.2024 06:4508.05.2024 06:50Power/network interruption Wednesday May 8th, 2024 between approx. 6:45 a.m. - 6:50 a.m. in the NW A floor buildingDetails 
13.05.2024 08:0017.05.2024 15:00WLAN Upgrade vom 13.05.2024 ab 8:00 - 17.05.2024 16:00h im Geb?ude HPMDetails 
01.05.2024 19:0001.05.2024 23:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS22 CES emergency fix installation at H?nggerberg location from 01.05.2024 7 pm until 01.05.2024 11 pmDetails 
14.05.2024 07:0014.05.2024 09:00Power/network interruption Tuesday May 14th, 2024 between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the LFW buildingDetails 
13.05.2024 07:0013.05.2024 09:00Power/network interruption Monday May 13th, 2024 between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the LFW buildingDetails 
08.05.2024 07:0008.05.2024 09:00Power/network interruption Wednesday May 8th, 2024 between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the LFW buildingDetails 
06.05.2024 09:0010.05.2024 23:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS12 backend storage update at Zentrum location 06.05.2024 from 9.00 am until 10.05.2024 11 pmDetails 
03.05.2024 13:0003.05.2024 16:00Power outage Alp Weissenstein April 29, 2024Details 
07.05.2024 07:0007.05.2024 09:00Power/network interruption Tuesday May 7th, 2024 between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the LFW buildingDetails 
06.05.2024 07:0006.05.2024 09:00Power/network interruption Monday May 6th, 2024 between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the LFW buildingDetails 
03.05.2024 16:0005.05.2024 20:00SAP/ETHIS System upgradeDetails 
22.04.2024 09:0025.04.2024 23:00ANNOUNCEMENT: Spectrum Scale NAS12 CES software upgrade at Zentrum location from 22.04.2024 from 9 am until 25.04.2024 11 pmDetails 
03.06.2024 13:0003.06.2024 18:00Monthly maintenanceDetails 
17.04.2024 10:3017.04.2024 15:30Preventive maintenance alarm network ONA and OCT on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 1030-1530Details 
15.04.2024 09:0018.04.2024 20:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS22 backend storage update at H?nggerberg location 15.04.2024 from 9.00 am until 18.04.2024 8 pmDetails 
18.04.2024 01:0018.04.2024 06:00Netzwerkunterbruch Donnerstag 18.04.2024 von ca.01:00-06:00h Standort Walchwil / FrüebüelDetails 
17.04.2024 06:0017.04.2024 07:30Software upgrade on core routers in H2, H3, BS and OxDetails 
16.04.2024 06:0016.04.2024 07:30Software upgrade on core routers in ETx, H1, RZ and LCADetails 
12.04.2024 06:0012.04.2024 07:30Software upgrade on core routers in LEE and HCIDetails 
11.04.2024 06:0011.04.2024 07:30Software upgrade on core routers in HG and HIxDetails 
18.04.2024 07:0018.04.2024 09:00Power/network interruption Thursday April 18th, 2024 between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the TAN buildingDetails 
11.04.2024 21:0011.04.2024 23:30ANKUENDIGUNG: NAS12-Spectrum Scale Parameter Aenderungen am 11.04.2024 von 21 Uhr bis 23:30 Uhr am Standort ZentrumDetails 
09.04.2024 09:0011.04.2024 22:00NAS22-Spectrum Scale Software Upgrade vom 09.04.2024 von 9.00 am bis 11.04.2024 22 Uhr am Standort H?nggerbergDetails 
18.04.2024 01:0018.06.2024 06:00Network interruption in Frühbühl April 18, 2024Details 
05.04.2024 06:3005.04.2024 08:00Network interruption Friday, 05th of April 2024 from approx. 06:30-08:00 in the building HCI communication room D 513Details 
05.04.2024 06:0005.04.2024 07:00Software Upgrade on Core Router in OCTDetails 
10.04.2024 06:0010.04.2024 07:00Software upgrade on MPLS core routers (2 of 2)Details 
09.04.2024 06:0009.04.2024 07:00Software upgrade on MPLS core routers (1 of 2)Details 
05.04.2024 06:3005.04.2024 07:00Network interruption as a result of DC hardware upgrade in the LEE 116; 117Details 
03.04.2024 08:0005.04.2024 16:00WLAN Upgrade vom 3.04.2024 ab 8:00 - 5.04.2024 16:00h im Geb?ude HPFDetails 
09.04.2024 19:0009.04.2024 22:00WiFi upgrade. Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 7-10 p.m. Zone OCTDetails 
04.04.2024 06:0004.04.2024 07:30Network interruption Thursday, 4th of April 2024 from approx. 06:00-07:30 in the building ML communication room L24Details 
27.03.2024 06:3027.03.2024 07:30Partieller Netzwerkunterbruch in der Netzwerkzone OCT 27.03.2024 06:30 bis 07:30 CETDetails 
06.05.2024 13:0006.05.2024 18:00Monthly maintenanceDetails 
06.04.2024 07:0006.04.2024 12:00Maintenance VoIP PhonesDetails 
22.03.2024 06:3022.03.2024 07:30Partieller Netzwerkunterbruch in der Netzwerkzone ALS 22.03.2024 06:30 bis 07:30 CETDetails 
19.03.2024 19:0019.03.2024 21:00Successfully implemented: polybox update – March 19th 2024 at 7pm -10pmDetails 
22.03.2024 06:0022.03.2024 08:00Network interruption Friday, 22nd of March 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building ML communication room G21Details 
19.03.2024 09:0019.03.2024 15:30WLAN Upgrade am 19.03.2024 ab 09:00 - ca.15:00h im Geb?ude HIBDetails 
21.03.2024 08:0021.03.2024 09:00Power/network interruption Thursday March 21, 2024 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the GLC building, floor DDetails 
19.03.2024 06:1519.03.2024 08:00Network interruption Tuesday, 19th of March 2024 from approx. 06:15-08:00 in the building HCI communication room D 525Details 
15.03.2024 17:0015.03.2024 18:00SAP and ETHIS Maintenance Fri. 15.03.2024 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.Details 
14.03.2024 09:0014.03.2024 15:00WLAN Upgrade am 14.03.2024 ab 09:00 - ca.15:00h im Geb?ude HIADetails 
15.03.2024 06:1515.03.2024 08:00Network interruption Friday, 15th of March 2024 from approx. 06:15-08:00 in the building HCI communication room D 533Details 
27.03.2024 06:3027.03.2024 07:00Network upgrade DCZ1 server room RZY B65 '-v' switchesDetails 
26.03.2024 06:3026.03.2024 07:00Network upgrade DCZ1 server room RZY B65 '-u' switchesDetails 
20.03.2024 06:3020.03.2024 07:00Network upgrade DCZ1 server room HIT D13 '-v' switchesDetails 
19.03.2024 06:3019.03.2024 07:00Network upgrade DCZ1 server room HIT D13 '-u' switchesDetails 
24.04.2024 19:0024.04.2024 22:00Network outage zone router LFx hardware lifecycleDetails 
14.03.2024 05:4514.03.2024 07:30Network interruption Thursday, 14th of March 2024 from approx. 05:45-07:30 in the building ML communication room E43.2Details 
19.03.2024 08:0019.03.2024 09:00CAB D56 - Power interruptionDetails 
12.03.2024 08:0012.03.2024 09:00Power outage Tuesday March 12th, 2024 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in building LEE/A/101Details 
22.03.2024 06:3022.03.2024 07:30Partieller Netzwerkunterbruch in der Netzwerkzone ALS 22.03.2024 06:30 bis 07:30 CETDetails 
21.03.2024 06:3021.03.2024 07:30Partieller Netzwerkunterbruch in der Netzwerkzone ALS 21.03.2024 06:30 bis 07:30 CETDetails 
15.03.2024 06:3015.03.2024 07:30Partieller Netzwerkunterbruch in der Netzwerkzone ALS 15.03.2024 06:30 bis 07:30 CETDetails 
13.03.2024 06:3013.03.2024 07:30Partieller Netzwerkunterbruch in der Netzwerkzone ALS 13.03.2024 06:30 bis 07:30 CETDetails 
11.03.2024 08:3011.03.2024 09:30Partieller Netzwerkunterbruch in der Netzwerkzone ALS (nur ONA) 11.03.2024 08:30 bis 09:30 CETDetails 
11.03.2024 06:3011.03.2024 07:30Partieller Netzwerkunterbruch in der Netzwerkzone ALS 11.03.2024 06:30 bis 07:30 CETDetails 
27.04.2024 07:0027.04.2024 16:30Stromabschaltung am Samstag 27.04.2024 zwischen 07:00-16:30h im Geb?ude HPLDetails 
02.04.2024 07:0011.04.2024 12:00Strom/Netzwerkunterbruch vom Dienstag 02.04.2024 bis Donnerstag 11.04.24 zwischen 07:00-12:00h im Geb?ude HPLDetails 
27.03.2024 06:3027.03.2024 07:00Network Upgrade DCZ2 Serverroom LEE A206 und A309 '-u' SwitcheDetails 
26.03.2024 06:3026.03.2024 07:00Network Upgrade DCZ2 Serverroom LEE A206 und A309 '-u' SwitcheDetails 
20.03.2024 06:3020.03.2024 07:00Network Upgrade DCZ2 Serverroom HIT D13 und HCI C255 '-v'Details 
19.03.2024 06:3019.03.2024 07:00Network Upgrade DCZ2 Serverroom HIT D13 und HCI C255 '-u'Details 
14.03.2024 06:3014.03.2024 07:30Software upgrade on central core routers (phase 2 of 2)Details 
12.03.2024 06:3012.03.2024 07:30Software upgrade on central core routers (phase 1 of 2)Details 
06.03.2024 05:4506.03.2024 07:30Network interruption Wednesday, 6th of March 2024 from approx. 05:45-07:30 in the building HG communication room H16.4Details 
01.03.2024 06:1501.03.2024 08:00Network interruption Friday, 1th of March 2024 from approx. 06:15-08:00 in the building HCI communication room D 425 & D 428Details 
14.03.2024 06:3014.03.2024 07:30Network interruption in the VTP zone LFxDetails 
12.03.2024 06:3012.03.2024 07:30Network interuption in the VTP Zone NWDetails 
07.03.2024 06:3007.03.2024 07:00Network upgrade serverroom CAB D53 und D56 '-v'Details 
06.03.2024 06:3006.03.2024 07:00Network upgrade serverroom CAB D53 und D56 '-u' switchesDetails 
05.03.2024 06:0005.03.2024 07:30Network outage in zone HG due to software upgradeDetails 
29.02.2024 06:0029.02.2024 07:30Network outage in zone HCI due to software upgradeDetails 
05.03.2024 07:0005.03.2024 10:00Power/network interruption Tuesday March 5th, 2024 between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. in the STW buildingDetails 
07.03.2024 01:0007.03.2024 06:00Network interruption CSF Ascona maintenance work SunriseDetails 
23.02.2024 06:1523.02.2024 08:00Network interruption Friday, 23th of February 2024 from approx. 06:15-08:00 in the building HCI communication room D 413Details 
23.02.2024 06:0023.02.2024 08:00Network interruption Friday, 23rd of February 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building ETL communication room I21.2Details 
22.02.2024 06:0022.02.2024 08:00Network interruption Thursday, 22nd of February 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building ETL communication room G21.2Details 
26.02.2024 05:3026.04.2024 12:00Mailarchive MaintenanceDetails 
05.03.2024 23:0006.03.2024 04:30Network interruption on March 05 - 06, 2024 from approx. 23:00-04:30 in the AWC, AWD, AWS buildingsDetails 
05.03.2024 23:0006.03.2024 04:30ALP Weissenstein Sunrise maintenance workDetails 
16.02.2024 06:3016.02.2024 08:00Network interruption Friday, 16th of February 2024 from approx. 06:30-08:00 in the building HCI communication room D 433Details 
14.02.2024 06:0014.02.2024 08:00Network interruption Wednesday, 14th of February 2024 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building ETL communication room E21Details 
15.02.2024 06:0015.02.2024 07:30Netzwerkunterbruch in der Zone LEE infolge Software Upgrade am Donnerstag 15.02.2024 06:00-07:30Details 
13.02.2024 06:0013.02.2024 07:30Netzwerkunterbruch in der Zone ETx infolge Software Upgrade am Dienstag 13.02.2024 06:00-07:30Details 
09.02.2024 06:3009.02.2024 07:00Network interruption as a result of DC hardware upgrade in LEE/A/206 FEX: 176; 177Details 
20.02.2024 06:0020.02.2024 07:30Network outage in zone HIx due to software upgradeDetails 
08.02.2024 06:0008.02.2024 07:30Network outage in zone H3 due to software upgradeDetails 
06.02.2024 06:0006.02.2024 07:30Network outage in zone H2 due to software upgradeDetails 
07.02.2024 08:0007.02.2024 12:00Upgrade SAPGUI 8.00Details 
28.02.2024 08:0028.02.2024 08:00Rollout of the new Cisco Secure VPN Client from Wednesday 28.02.2024 at 8:00 a.mDetails 
12.02.2024 06:3012.02.2024 07:30Hardware replacement NTP server (time.ethz.ch)Details 
31.01.2024 06:0031.01.2024 07:00Network Upgrade Core Router Network zone RZDetails 
25.01.2024 06:0025.01.2024 07:30Network Upgrade Serverraum BSSDetails 
31.01.2024 06:3031.01.2024 08:00Network outage in zone H1 due to software upgradeDetails 
30.01.2024 06:3030.01.2024 08:00Network outage in zone LCA due to software upgradeDetails 
01.02.2024 06:4501.02.2024 08:15Power/network interruption Thursday, February 1st, 2024 between approx. 6:45 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. in the CHN buildingDetails 
23.01.2024 06:3023.01.2024 07:30Network interruption Tuesday, 23rd of January 2024 from approx. 06:30-07:30 in the building WWA communication room D11.1 and H25Details 
18.01.2024 06:3018.03.2024 07:30Netzwerkunterbruch in der VTP Zone Cx am Donnerstag 18.01.2024 von ca. 06:30 bis 07:30 Uhr CETDetails 
22.01.2024 07:0023.01.2024 17:00Power/network interruption in the WET buildingDetails 
22.01.2024 07:0031.01.2024 16:00WLAN Upgrade vom 22.01.2024 bis ca 31.01.2024 von ca.07:00-ca.16:00h im Geb?ude HCI Finger 5Details 
18.01.2024 08:0018.01.2024 12:00WLAN Upgrade am 18.01.2024 von ca.08:00-ca.12:00h im Geb?ude HPIDetails 
17.01.2024 00:0017.01.2024 23:59MFA will be extended to VPN connections as of 17 January 2024Details 
19.01.2024 08:1519.01.2024 11:30Strom/Netzwerkunterbruch Freitag 19.01.2024 zwischen 08:15-11:30h im Geb?ude HPTDetails 
12.01.2024 07:3012.01.2024 15:00Maintenance Clock System / TimeserverDetails 
09.01.2024 06:3009.01.2024 07:30Network interruption Tuesday 09. January from approx. 06:30-07:30 at the HCIDetails 
11.01.2024 06:4511.01.2024 08:00Software Upgrade on Core Routers in OCTDetails 
08.01.2024 07:0019.01.2024 16:00WLAN Upgrade vom 8.01.2024 bis ca 19.01.2024 von ca.07:00-ca.16:00h im Geb?ude HCI Finger 0Details 
05.01.2024 06:3005.01.2024 07:30Network interruption Friday 05. January from approx. 06:30-07:30 at the HCIDetails 
09.01.2024 06:0009.01.2024 12:00Integral security test / data network interruption Tuesday January 9th, 2024 6:00 a.m. - approx. 12:00 p.m. in the ETZ buildingDetails 
16.01.2024 05:3016.01.2024 05:31ETF network switchover on January 16, 2024 5:30 a.m. area ETDetails 
09.01.2024 08:0011.02.2024 17:00IT Shop Offline from 09.01.2024 from 08:00 am to 11.01.2024, 17:00 pmDetails 
19.12.2023 06:3019.12.2023 07:30Network interruption Tuesday 19. December from approx. 06:30-07:30 at the HCIDetails 
15.12.2023 06:0015.12.2023 07:15Power/network interruption Friday December 15th, 2023 between 6:00 a.m. and 7:15 a.m. in the HG buildingDetails 
15.12.2023 06:3015.12.2023 07:30Network interruption Friday 15. December from approx. 06:30-07:30 at the HCIDetails 
09.01.2024 07:0009.01.2024 17:00Strom/Netzwerkunterbruch Dienstag 09.01.2024 zwischen 07:00-17:00h in den Geb?uden HIF, HIB, HIA, HIN und Parkhaus 2Details 
18.12.2023 08:0018.12.2023 10:00Update SAPGUI 7.70Details 
14.12.2023 05:0014.12.2023 07:00Betriebsunterbruch MSSQL DB-HostingDetails 
11.12.2023 07:0022.12.2023 16:00WLAN Upgrade vom 11.12.2023 bis ca 22.12.2023 von ca.07:00-ca.16:00h im Geb?ude HCI Finger 4Details 
30.11.2023 06:3030.11.2023 07:30Network interruption Thursday, 30st of November 2023 from approx. 06:30-07:30 in the building HPVDetails 
24.11.2023 09:0024.11.2023 09:30Power/network interruption Friday November 24th, 2023 between 9:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. in the HAD buildingDetails 
07.12.2023 10:0007.12.2023 11:00Network interruption Thursday, 07th of December 2023 from approx. 10:00-11:00 in the building BSSDetails 
24.11.2023 07:0024.11.2023 08:00Network interruption Friday, 24th of November 2023 from approx. 07:00-08:00 in the buildings HDB & HKKDetails 
22.11.2023 06:3022.11.2023 07:30Network interruption Wednesday November 22nd, 2023 between approx. 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. in the FMG building (floors A and B)Details 
20.11.2023 09:0024.11.2023 21:00NAS12 backend storage update at Zentrum location 20.11.2023 from 9.00 am until 24.11.2023 9 pmDetails 
21.11.2023 05:3021.11.2023 07:30Network interruption Tuesday, 21st of November 2023 from approx. 05:30-07:30 in the building ML communication room J42.2Details 
15.11.2023 07:0008.12.2023 16:00WLAN Upgrade vom 27.11.2023 bis ca 8.12.2023 von ca.07:00-ca.16:00h im Geb?ude HCI Finger 3Details 
21.11.2023 01:0021.11.2023 06:00Network interruption Tuesday, November 21, 2023 from approx. 01:00-06:00 in the MVA Ascona, Areal FrüebüelDetails 
01.12.2023 19:0001.12.2023 22:00Network interruption hardware lifecycle zone router ETx on December 1st, 2023, 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.mDetails 
13.11.2023 09:0017.11.2023 23:00Spectrum Scale NAS12 CES software upgrade at Zentrum location from 13.11.2023 from 9 am until 17.11.2023 11 pm.Details 
21.11.2023 07:0021.11.2023 08:00Software upgrade on firewall cluster (Phase 2 of 2)Details 
25.11.2023 07:0026.11.2023 17:00Network interruption Saturday November 25th, 2023 7:00 a.m. to Sunday November 26th, 2023 5:00 p.m. Lindau/Eschikon locationDetails 
09.11.2023 07:0009.11.2023 08:00Aktualisierung der VPN-Gateway ?sslvpn.ethz.ch? System-Software, am Donnerstag 9.11.2023 von 07:00 Uhr bis 08:00 UhrDetails 
02.11.2023 13:4111.11.2023 11:00SAP and ETHIS Maintenance Sa. 11.11.2023 8-11UhrDetails 
17.11.2023 19:0017.11.2023 23:00Maintenance VoIP PhonesDetails 
30.10.2023 09:0003.11.2023 21:00NAS22 backend storage update at H?nggerberg location 30.10.2023 from 9.00 am until 03.11.2023 9 pmDetails 
24.10.2023 19:0027.10.2023 19:00ANNOUNCEMENT: Spectrum Scale NAS22 CES software upgrade at H?nggerberg location from 24.10.2023 from 9 am until 27.10.2023 11 pmDetails 
31.10.2023 19:0031.10.2023 22:00Network outage zone router LEE hardware lifecycle 31. Oktober 19:00-22:00Details 
10.10.2023 12:0010.10.2023 12:30Network interruption Tuesday 10.10.2023 between12:00-12:30 at the Früebüel site.Details 
09.10.2023 07:0009.10.2023 07:30Power/network interruption Monday October 9th, 2023 between 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. in the LEO buildingDetails 
11.10.2023 05:4511.10.2023 07:00Network interruption Wednesday, 11th of October 2023 from approx. 05:45-07:00 in the building HG communication room G61.3Details 
10.10.2023 05:4510.10.2023 07:00Network interruption Tuesday, 10th of October 2023 from approx. 05:45-07:00 in the building HG communication room FO50.5Details 
25.10.2023 07:0025.10.2023 09:00Power/network interruption Wednesday October 25th, 2023 between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the building NE floor BDetails 
23.10.2023 07:0023.10.2023 09:00Power/network interruption Monday October 23rd, 2023 between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the building NE floor CDetails 
19.10.2023 07:0019.10.2023 09:00Power/network interruption Thursday October 19th, 2023 between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the building NE floor DDetails 
18.10.2023 07:0018.10.2023 09:00Power/network interruption Wednesday October 18th, 2023 between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the building NE floor EDetails 
25.10.2023 06:3025.10.2023 08:00Software Upgrade of Core Router in LCADetails 
10.10.2023 07:0010.10.2023 08:00Software Upgrade on Firewall Cluster (Phase 1 of 2)Details 
16.10.2023 07:0016.10.2023 09:00Power/network interruption Monday October 16th, 2023 between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the building NE floor F/FODetails 
10.10.2023 07:0010.10.2023 09:00Power/network interruption Tuesday October 10th, 2023 between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. in the building NE floor HDetails 
09.10.2023 08:0009.10.2023 10:00Update SAPGUI 7.70Details 
09.10.2023 04:0009.10.2023 09:00Upgrade of pia02 Print Server for employees at H?nggerberg, 9.10.2023, 04:00 to 09:00Details 
04.10.2023 06:0004.10.2023 06:15Power/network interruption Wednesday October 4th, 2023 between approx. 6:00 a.m. and 6:15 a.m. in the LEO and TAN buildingsDetails 
05.10.2023 06:0005.10.2023 07:00Network interruption Thursday, 5th of October 2023 from approx. 06:00-07:00 in the building HG communication room H34.4Details 
04.10.2023 06:0004.10.2023 07:00Network interruption Wednesday, 4th of October 2023 from approx. 06:00-07:00 in the building HG communication room H31.3Details 
24.10.2023 12:0027.10.2023 17:00Euler maintenance window 24-27 October 2023Details 
06.10.2023 19:0006.10.2023 22:00Maintenance VoIP PhonesDetails 
27.09.2023 06:0027.09.2023 07:00Network interruption Wednesday, 27th of September 2023 from approx. 06:00-07:00 in the building HG communication room H40.3Details 
26.09.2023 06:0026.09.2023 07:00Network interruption Tuesday, 26th of September 2023 from approx. 06:00-07:00 in the building HG communication room H61Details 
26.09.2023 07:0010.10.2023 15:00WLAN Upgrade vom 26.09.2023 bis 10.10.2023 von ca.07:00-ca.16:00h im Geb?ude OCTDetails 
21.09.2023 07:0006.10.2023 16:00WiFi upgrade from September 21st, 2023 to October 6th, 2023 from around 7:00 a.m. to around 4:00 p.m. in the ML buildingDetails 
21.09.2023 06:3021.09.2023 06:45Power/network interruption Thursday September 21st, 2023 between approx. 6:30 a.m. and 6:45 a.m. in the CLA building, Kommraum E12Details 
20.09.2023 05:3020.09.2023 08:00Network interruption Wednesday, Sept. 20st, 2023 from 05:30-08:00 in the HCI D433Details 
02.10.2023 04:0002.10.2023 09:00Upgrade of pia01 Print Server 2.10.2023, 04:00 to 09:00Details 
13.09.2023 17:0013.09.2023 19:00Network interruption Wednesday, Sept. 13th, 2023 from 17:00-19:00 in the HPI D17Details 
14.09.2023 06:3014.09.2023 08:00Netzwerkunterbruch Donnerstag, 14.September 2023 von ca. 06:30-08:00 Uhr im Geb?ude HPL Etage C und DDetails 
22.11.2023 07:0022.11.2023 12:00Maintenance time server / clock systemDetails 
15.09.2023 07:0015.09.2023 09:00Strom/Netzwerkunterbruch Freitag 15.09.2023 zwischen 07:00-09:00h im Geb?ude HZADetails 
06.09.2023 08:0006.09.2023 16:00Network interruption/ structural maintenance work on Wednesday 06.09.2023 from approx. 08:00-16:00h in the BSS D-F floorDetails 
11.09.2023 09:0019.09.2023 16:15Network interruption / installation work on the power grid 11.09.2023, 18.09.2023 (possibly 19.09.2023) on the Alpwiesenstein siteDetails 
20.09.2023 07:0020.09.2023 07:30Power/network interruption Wednesday 09/20/2023 between approx. 07:00-07:30 in the building CAB floor E,F,GDetails 
21.09.2023 01:0021.09.2023 06:00Network interruption Thursday, September 21, 2023 from approx. 1:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. Location Eschikon / LindauDetails 
13.09.2023 05:3013.09.2023 12:00Integral security tests / data network interruption Wednesday 16.09.2023 approx. 5:30 am - approx. 12:00 pm in the buildings CLA/LEO/TANDetails 
01.09.2023 06:3001.09.2023 08:00Netzwerkunterbruch Freitag, 1.September 2023 von ca. 06:30-08:00 Uhr im Geb?ude HPL Etage FDetails 
30.08.2023 06:3030.08.2023 08:00Netzwerkunterbruch Mittwoch, 30.August 2023 von ca. 06:30-08:00 Uhr im Geb?ude HPL Etage GDetails 
28.08.2028 08:0028.08.2023 10:00Update SAPGUI 7.70Details 
22.08.2023 07:0022.08.2023 08:00Power/network interruption Tuesday 22.08.2023 between approx. 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. in the LFG buildingDetails 
22.08.2023 07:0022.08.2023 08:00Power/network interruption Tuesday 22.08.2023 between approx. 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. in the STW buildingDetails 
23.08.2023 07:0023.10.2023 17:00Integral safety tests / data network interruption Wednesday 23.08.2023 approx. 07:00-approx. 17:00 h in the HPM buildingDetails 
16.08.2023 07:3017.08.2023 16:00WLAN upgrade Wednesday 16.08.2023 to Thursday 17.08.2023 from approx. 7:30 a.m. to approx. 4:00 p.m. in the ETL and ETF buildingsDetails 
08.09.2023 20:0008.09.2023 23:00Zone Router HG Hardware LifecycleDetails 
14.08.2023 06:0014.08.2023 09:00Update piastud01 printserver for students, 14. august, 06:00-09:00Details 
21.08.2023 06:0021.08.2023 09:00PaperCut Update, 21. august, 06:00-09:00 UhrDetails 
07.08.2023 10:2007.08.2023 17:01Accesspoint Replacement im CHN C und E StokDetails 
06.09.2023 06:0006.09.2023 07:00Renewal of RADIUS Certificate 06.09.2023Details 
03.08.2023 09:3003.08.2023 10:00Power/network interruption Thursday 08/03/2023 between approx. 9:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. in the buildings FRB and FRNDetails 
24.07.2023 07:3027.07.2023 16:00WLAN upgrade Monday 24.07.2023 to Thursday 27.07.2023 from approx. 7:30 a.m. to approx. 4:00 p.m. in the LEE buildingDetails 
27.07.2023 06:0027.07.2023 08:00Netzwerkunterbruch Donnerstag, 27.Juli 2023 von ca. 06:00-08:00 Uhr im Geb?ude PFA (Technopark) Komraum E83Details 
25.07.2023 07:3025.07.2023 12:00Stromunterbruch HI/HW Logistikfl?che 25.07.2023Details 
16.08.2023 07:0016.08.2023 08:30Integral safety tests / data network interruption Wednesday 16.08.2023 approx. 07:00-approx. 08:30 h in the LFO/LFV buildingsDetails 
19.07.2023 06:4519.07.2023 08:00Power/network interruption Wednesday 07/19/2023 between approx. 6:45 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. in the building CAB D-FloorDetails 
17.07.2023 07:0017.07.2023 07:45Power/network interruption Monday 07/17/2023 between approx. 07:00-07:45 h in building MLDetails 
17.07.2023 06:3017.07.2023 07:30Power/network interruption Monday 07/17/2023 between approx. 06:30-07:30 h in building MLDetails 
17.07.2023 09:0021.07.2023 20:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS12 InfiniBand renewal at Zentrum location from 17.07.2023 from 9 am until 21.07.20238 pm.Details 
12.07.2023 13:3012.07.2023 17:30Stromunterbruch am Mittwoch, 12.07.2023 von 13:30-17:30 Uhr auf der Alp WeissensteinDetails 
10.07.2023 17:0010.07.2023 22:00Update base stations (transmitter) of the alerting network (alarmNet)Details 
07.07.2023 05:4507.07.2023 07:30Network interruption Friday, 7th of July 2023 from approx. 05:45-07:30 in the building MM communication room A72Details 
10.07.2023 09:0014.07.2023 20:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS22 InfiniBand renewal at H?nggerberg location from 10.07.2023 from 9 am until 14.07.2023 8 pmDetails 
04.07.2023 18:0004.09.2023 21:00polybox update – July 4th 2023 at 6pm -11pmDetails 
06.07.2023 05:4506.07.2023 07:30Network interruption Thursday, 6th of July 2023 from approx. 05:45-07:30 in the building MM communication room Y84.2Details 
30.06.2023 05:4530.06.2023 07:00Network interruption Friday, 30th of June 2023 from approx. 05:45-07:00 in the building MM communication room C87.2Details 
27.06.2023 08:0027.06.2023 10:00Maintenance work "Addresses and personal data" and "Distribution Group Manager" (DGM), 27.6.2023Details 
26.06.2023 06:0026.06.2023 07:00Network interruption Monday, 26th of June 2023 from approx. 06:00-07:00 in the building UNO communication room C17Details 
26.06.2023 22:0026.06.2023 23:45Maintenance IAM, 26.6.2023 22:00 - 23:45Details 
21.06.2023 15:0019.08.2023 18:00NAS22io08OS Disk ChangeDetails 
05.07.2023 08:0005.07.2023 08:30Rollout of the new Cisco Secure VPN Client from Wednesday 5.7.2023 at 8:00 a.mDetails 
22.06.2023 08:0022.06.2023 15:00Installationsarbeiten am Stromnetz Donnerstag, 22.06.2023 von 08:00-15:00 Uhr auf dem Areal FrüebüelDetails 
12.06.2023 08:0012.06.2023 10:00Update SAPGUI 7.70Details 
20.06.2023 07:0020.06.2023 07:30Migration of the IT Shop to the new HW load balancerDetails 
08.06.2023 07:0008.06.2023 10:00Periodische Elektrokontrolle / Datennetzwerkunterbruch Donnerstag, 08.06.2023 ca.07:00-10:00 Uhr im HPGDetails 
05.06.2023 09:0007.06.2023 21:00ANNOUNCEMENT: Spectrum Scale NAS12 CES software upgrade at Zentrum location from 05.06.2023 from 9 am until 07.06.2023 11 pm.Details 
06.06.2023 05:3006.06.2023 08:00Network interruption Tuesday, June 6th, 2023 from approx. 05:30-08:00 in the HCI J7Details 
05.06.2023 08:3005.06.2023 09:15Integraler Sicherheitstests / Datennetzwerkunterbruch Montag 05.06.2023 ca.08:30-09:15 Uhr im Geb?ude HPSDetails 
13.06.2023 07:0013.06.2023 08:00Software upgrade auf HW load balancerDetails 
02.06.2023 19:0002.06.2023 22:00Maintenance VoIP PhonesDetails 
03.06.2023 17:3003.06.2023 21:30Power/network interruption on Saturday 03.06.2023 between approx. 5:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. in the HG buildingDetails 
06.06.2023 19:0006.06.2023 22:00Zonenrouter RZ Hardware LifecycleDetails 
04.08.2023 12:0011.08.2023 16:00Euler maintenance 4-11 August 2023Details 
05.06.2023 07:0007.06.2023 11:00Euler maintenance 5-7 June 2023Details 
30.05.2023 05:3030.05.2023 08:00Network interruption Tuesday, May 30st, 2023 from approx. 05:30-08:00 in the HCI J3Details 
22.05.2023 09:0024.05.2023 23:00ANNOUNCEMENT: Spectrum Scale NAS22 CES software upgrade at H?nggerberg location from 22.05.2023 from 9 am until 24.05.2023 11 pmDetails 
31.05.2023 07:0016.06.2023 12:00Power/network interruption from Wednesday 31.05.2023 to Friday 16.06.2023 from approx.07:00-12:00 in the HPP buildingDetails 
19.05.2023 06:3019.05.2023 07:30Software Upgrade on Access Switches in OCT Fr. 19.05.2023 06:30-07:30 UhrDetails 
23.05.2023 07:0023.05.2023 08:00Software upgrade on firewall cluster 23.05.23 07:00-08:00Details 
11.05.2023 01:0011.05.2023 05:00Network interruption Thursday, May 11, 2023 from approx. 01:00-05:00 in the MVA Ascona, Areal FrüebüelDetails 
09.05.2023 19:0010.05.2023 06:00Power/network interruption Tuesday/Wednesday 05/09/2023 to 05/10/2023 from about 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. in building MLDetails 
06.05.2023 08:0006.05.2023 12:00Maintenance VoIP PhonesDetails 
08.05.2023 09:0011.05.2023 06:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS12 backend storage update am Center Location from 08.05.2023 from 9 am until 11.05.2023 6 am.Details 
02.05.2023 19:0005.05.2023 06:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS22 backend storage update at H?nggerberg location 02.05.2023 from 9.00 am until 05.05.2023 6 amDetails 
26.04.2023 06:0020.06.2023 18:00Repair / overhaul transformer station HPMDetails 
12.05.2023 16:0014.05.2023 22:00SAP/ETHIS - System UpgradeDetails 
20.04.2023 08:0020.04.2023 12:00Multifactor authentication for the Mail archiveDetails 
14.04.2023 06:0014.04.2023 09:00Upgrade Webprint for studentsDetails 
31.03.2023 06:0031.03.2023 09:00PaperCut Update, 31. march, 06:00-09:00 UhrDetails 
23.03.2023 06:4523.03.2023 07:30Software upgrade to building zone router in ETx on Thursday, March 23, 2023, 6:45 a.m. - 7:30 a.mDetails 
18.03.2023 07:0018.03.2023 14:00Network interruption Saturday, March 18, 2023 from approx. 07:00-14:00 in building ML, floor GDetails 
23.03.2023 07:0023.03.2023 10:00Integral safety tests / data network interruption Thursday 23.03.2023 approx. 07:00 am - 10:00 pm in building HPTDetails 
16.03.2023 06:1516.03.2023 07:30Software upgrade to building zone routers in ETx and LCA on Thursday, March 16, 2023, 6:15-7:30 a.mDetails 
16.03.2023 06:1516.03.2023 07:30Network interruption in BSA and partial BSS as a result of router reboot on Thursday 03/16/2023 06:15-07:30Details 
16.03.2023 09:0017.03.2023 22:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS12 backend storage expansion at RZ location from 16.03.2023 9 am until 17.03.2023 10 pm.Details 
02.03.2023 20:0002.03.2023 23:00SharePoint MaintenanceDetails 
06.03.2023 08:0006.03.2023 10:00Update SAPGUI 7.70Details 
06.03.2023 06:0006.03.2023 09:00Power/network interruption Monday, March 06, 2023 between approx. 06:00 a.m. and 09:00 a.m. in the HIL buildingDetails 
24.02.2023 18:0025.04.2023 18:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS22 redundancy increase of backend storage at HIT location from 24.02.2023 6 pm until 24.02.2023 8 pmDetails 
28.02.2023 06:1528.02.2023 07:30Software upgrade on building zone routers in Ox, H2 and H3 on Tue. 28.02.2023 06:15-07:30Details 
23.02.2023 06:1523.02.2023 07:30Software upgrade to building zone routers in HIx, HCI and H1 on Thursday 02/23/2023 06:15-07:30Details 
21.02.2023 07:0021.02.2023 07:30Short network interruption in the server room LEE/A/206 (DCZ2) on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 7:00 a.mDetails 
02.03.2023 06:1502.03.2023 07:00move network core linksDetails 
20.02.2023 09:0023.02.2023 22:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS22 backend storage expansion at HIT location from 20.02.2023 9 am until 23.02.2023 10 pmDetails 
14.02.2023 10:0014.02.2023 10:30Power/network interruption Tuesday, February 14, 2023 between approx. 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. in the SLA buildingDetails 
07.02.2023 07:3007.02.2023 13:45Power/network interruption Tuesday 07.02.2023 between approx. 07:30-08:00 and 13:15-13:45 in the SLA buildingDetails 
04.02.2023 07:0004.02.2023 11:00Power/network interruption on Saturday, February 4th, 2023 from approx. 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the USZ buildingDetails 
08.02.2023 17:0008.02.2023 23:00Network interruption Wednesday February 8th, 2023 from approx. 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. in the buildings TUR, SEC, SEW, NEL, SOXDetails 
01.02.2023 13:0001.02.2023 15:00Power/network interruption Wednesday 01.02.2023 from approx. 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the FGH buildingDetails 
14.02.2023 07:0016.02.2023 09:00Power/network interruption Tuesday 14.02.2023 & Thursday, 16.02.2023 from approx. 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. in the HPR buildingDetails 
25.01.2023 19:0025.01.2023 21:00Short Wi-Fi service interruption on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. in all zonesDetails 
19.01.2023 05:3019.01.2023 23:30Outlook calendar in TeamsDetails 
19.01.2023 20:0019.01.2023 23:30SharePoint MaintenanceDetails 
20.01.2023 06:0020.01.2023 07:30Netzwerkunterbruch Freitag, 20. Januar 2023 von ca. 06:00-07:30 Uhr im Geb?ude HPL Komraum B25Details 
12.01.2023 09:0012.01.2023 11:00Power/network interruption in the FGP Lindau buildingDetails 
16.01.2023 08:0016.01.2023 10:00Update SAPGUI 7.70Details 
26.01.2023 06:0026.01.2023 08:00Power/network interruption Thursday 26.01.2023 from approx. 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. in the SEC building, floor DDetails 
18.01.2023 07:0018.01.2023 09:00Power/network interruption Wednesday 18.01.2023 from approx. 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. in the LFH buildingDetails 
04.01.2023 20:0004.01.2023 23:59ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS22 backend storage eFix installation at HIT location from 04.01.2023 from 8 pm until midnightDetails 
10.01.2023 07:0010.01.2023 16:30Power/network interruption Tuesday 10.01.2023 from approx. 7:00 a.m. to 16:30 in building HXEDetails 
06.01.2022 08:1506.01.2023 08:45Power/Network Interruption Friday, January 6, 2023 from 08:15-08:45 as a result of power shutdown in the building SLA communication room C59Details 
04.01.2023 08:1504.01.2023 08:45Power/Network Interruption Wednesday, January 4, 2023 from 08:15-08:45 as a result of power shutdown in the building SLA communication room E93Details 
11.01.2023 05:3011.01.2023 13:00Integral safety tests / data network interruption Wednesday 11.01.2023 approx. 5:30 am - approx. 1:00 pm in building MLDetails 
20.12.2022 20:0020.12.2022 23:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS12 Spectrum Scale CES resume (after-incident) at RZ location from 20.12.2022 from 8 pm until 20.12.2022 11 pmDetails 
18.12.2022 13:0018.12.2022 16:00Maintenance SharePointDetails 
19.12.2022 06:3019.02.2023 09:00Shutdown of old openLDAP infrastructurDetails 
11.01.2023 06:1511.01.2023 07:00Software Upgrade on central DCZ2 Routers on Wed. 11.1.2023 06:15-07:00 UhrDetails 
10.01.2023 06:1510.01.2023 07:00Software Upgrade on central DCZ2 Routers on Tue. 10.1.2023 06:15-07:00 UhrDetails 
06.01.2023 06:1506.01.2023 07:00Software Upgrade on central DCZ1 Routers on Fr. 06.1.2023 06:15-07:00 UhrDetails 
05.01.2023 06:1505.01.2023 07:00Software Upgrade on central DCZ1 Routers on Thu. 05.1.2023 06:15-07:00 UhrDetails 
04.01.2023 06:1504.01.2023 07:00Software Upgrade on central Core Routers on Wed. 04.1.2023 06:15-07:00 UhrDetails 
03.01.2023 06:1503.01.2023 07:00Software Upgrade on central Core Routers on Tue. 03.1.2023 06:15-07:00 UhrDetails 
09.12.2022 06:0009.12.2022 09:00PaperCut Upgrade, 9. December, 06:00-09:00Details 
09.12.2022 05:3009.12.2022 07:30Network interruption Friday 09.12.2022 from approx. 5:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. in the CLA buildingDetails 
08.12.2022 06:0008.12.2022 07:00Power/network interruption Thursday 08.12.2022 from approx. 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. in building ML, floor GDetails 
08.12.2022 06:1508.12.2022 07:30Software Upgrade on building zone routers H1,H2 and OxDetails 
02.12.2022 18:0006.12.2022 06:00Migration of the home directories of the students 2.12.2022 untl 6.12.2022Details 
02.12.2022 06:0002.12.2022 07:30W-Lan Netzwerkunterbruch in der VTP Zone HCI und HIx am Freitag 02.12.2022 von ca. 06:00 bis 07:30 Uhr CETDetails 
01.12.2022 06:0001.12.2022 07:30W-Lan Netzwerkunterbruch in der VTP Zone H1, H2 und H3 am Donnerstag 01.12.2022 von ca. 06:00 bis 07:30 Uhr CETDetails 
01.12.2022 19:0001.12.2022 23:55Maintenance Window SharePointDetails 
07.12.2022 06:1507.12.2022 07:30Software Upgrade on building zone routers HIx und HCIDetails 
05.12.2022 09:0007.12.2022 23:00ANNOUNCEMENT: Spectrum Scale NAS12 CES software upgrade at RZ location from 05.12.2022 from 9 am until 07.12.2022 11 pmDetails 
26.11.2022 07:0026.11.2022 16:00Netzwerkunterbruch Samstag 26.11.2022 von ca.07:00-16:00h im Geb?ude HIFDetails 
28.11.2022 09:0002.12.2022 20:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS12 backend storage update am Standort RZ from 28.11.2022 from 9 am until 02.12.2022 8 pmDetails 
24.11.2022 10:0024.11.2022 11:00Netzwerkunterbruch Donnerstag 24.11.2022 von ca.10:00-11:00h im Geb?ude HINDetails 
25.11.2022 06:0025.11.2022 07:30W-Lan Netzwerkunterbruch in der VTP Zone ALS am Freitag 25.11.2022 von ca. 06:00 bis 07:30 Uhr CETDetails 
29.11.2022 17:3029.11.2022 22:00Partial network interruption in the server room HIT/D/13 (DCZ1 and DCZ2) on Tue. 29.11.22 5:30 p.mDetails 
25.11.2022 06:0025.11.2022 07:30Short network interruption in the server room HCI/C/255 (DCZ2) on Fri. 25.11.22 from 06:00 a.m. - 2nd attemptDetails 
23.11.2022 06:0023.11.2022 07:00Network interruption Wednesday November 23, 2022 from approx. 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. in the AMA buildingDetails 
25.11.2022 17:0025.11.2022 23:00Network interruption Friday November 25th, 2022 from approx. 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. in the buildings TUR, SEC, SEW, NELDetails 
24.11.2022 06:0024.11.2022 07:30W-Lan Netzwerkunterbruch in der VTP Zone LEE am Donnerstag 24.11.2022 von ca. 06:00 bis 07:30 Uhr CETDetails 
24.11.2022 06:0024.11.2022 07:30W-Lan Netzwerkunterbruch in der VTP Zone OCT am Donnerstag 24.11.2022 von ca. 06:00 bis 07:30 Uhr CETDetails 
28.11.2022 07:0028.11.2022 07:30Short interruption of various loadbalanced services as a result of HW migration on November 28th, 2022 at 7:00 a.mDetails 
17.11.2022 07:0017.11.2022 07:30Short network interruption in the server room HCI/C/255 (DCZ2) on Thursday, November 17th, 2022 at 7:00 a.mDetails 
03.03.2023 05:4502.05.2023 05:45Network interruption Friday, 3rd of March 2023 from approx. 05:45-07:30 in the building HG communication room D33.2Details 
21.11.2022 09:0023.11.2022 23:00ANNOUNCEMENT: Spectrum Scale NAS22 CES software upgrade at HIT location from 21.11.2022 from 9 am until 23.11.2022 11 pmDetails 
15.11.2022 06:0015.11.2022 07:30Network interruption Tuesday, 15th of November 2022 from approx. 06:00-07:30 in the building ML communication room B27.2Details 
14.11.2022 06:0014.11.2022 07:30Network interruption Monday, 14th of November 2022 from approx. 06:00-07:30 in the building NO communication room C7.2Details 
14.11.2022 09:0018.11.2022 23:00ANNOUNCEMENT: NAS22 backend storage update am Standort HIT from 14.11.2022 from 9 am until 18.11.2022 8 pmDetails 
11.11.2022 06:3011.11.2022 08:00Netzwerkunterbruch Freitag, 11. November 2022 von ca. 06:30-08:00 Uhr im Geb?ude HPZ Komraum H31Details 
24.11.2022 06:3024.11.2022 12:00Integrale Sicherheitstests Donnerstag 24.11.2022 von 06:30 - ca.12:00 Uhr im Geb?ude HPKDetails 
10.11.2022 05:0010.11.2022 07:00Betriebsunterbruch MSSQL DB-HostingDetails 
17.11.2022 08:0017.11.2022 09:00Rollout of the new Cisco Secure VPN Client from Thursday, November 17th, 2022 at 8:00 a.mDetails 
08.11.2022 05:3008.11.2022 07:00Network interruption Tuesday, 8th of November 2022 from approx. 05:30-07:00 in the building HG communication room D27.2Details 
01.12.2022 06:1501.12.2022 07:00SW-Upgrade DCZ2-'-u' Switches LEEDetails 
30.11.2022 06:1530.11.2022 07:00SW-Upgrade DCZ2-'-u' Switches LEEDetails 
29.11.2022 06:1529.11.2022 07:00SW-Upgrade DCZ2-'-v' Switches HIT D13Details 
28.11.2022 06:1528.11.2022 07:00SW-Upgrade DCZ2-'-u' Switches HIT D13Details 
23.11.2022 06:0023.11.2022 06:00Move the redundant Router of the Networkzone HIxDetails 
08.11.2022 06:1508.11.2022 07:00SW-Upgrade DC-'-v' Switche ETZ D96Details 
07.11.2022 06:1507.11.2022 07:00SW-Upgrade DC-'-u' Switche ETZ D96Details 
31.10.2022 07:0031.10.2022 15:00Integral test Monday 31.10.2022 from approx. 07:00-15:00 in the buildings HPMDetails 
25.10.2022 17:0026.10.2022 08:00Maintenance work: Servix unavailable on 25.10.2022 (from 5 pm.)Details 
18.10.2022 06:0017.12.2022 06:00Euler maintenance window 18.-24. October 2022Details 
25.10.2022 07:0025.10.2022 07:15Short exchange/mail archive/sharepoint interruption due to load balancer migration on 10/25/2022 7:00 a.mDetails 
26.10.2022 07:0026.10.2022 09:00Power/network interruption Wednesday 26.10.2022 from approx. 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. in the IFW building, floors Z + YDetails 
25.10.2022 07:0025.10.2022 09:00Power/network interruption Tuesday 25.10.2022 from approx. 07:00-09:00 in the IFW building, floor ADetails 
27.10.2022 06:3027.10.2022 07:00Network outage zone ETx Thursday 27. Oktober 06:30 - 07:00Details 
17.10.2022 19:0016.12.2022 22:00ANNOUNCEMENT: Spectrum Scale NAS22 storage node reset at HIT location 17.10.2022 from 7.00 pm until 10pm - short service performance lossDetails 
01.11.2022 06:1501.11.2022 07:00Software Upgrade DCCX-Switches in CAB D53 and D56 at Tuesday 1.11. 06:15-07:00Details 
31.10.2022 06:1531.10.2022 07:00Software Upgrade DCCX-Switches in CAB D53 and D56 at Mo 31.10. 06:15-07:00Details 
14.11.2022 19:0014.11.2022 23:00Network outage zone HPx, renaming H3 (Mo 14.11.22, 19:00 - 23:00)Details 
19.10.2022 05:3019.10.2022 07:30Network interruption Wednesday, 19th of October 2022 from approx. 05:30-07:30 in the building HG communication room FO10.7Details 
19.10.2022 05:0019.10.2022 07:00ETHIS will not be available on Wednesday 19.10.22 from 05:00 to 07:00Details 
13.10.2022 07:0013.10.2022 08:00Power/network interruption Thursday, October 13, 2022 from approx. 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. in the SOX buildingDetails 
13.10.2022 06:1513.10.2022 07:00SW-Upgrade DCZ1 '-v' Switchs in HIT D13Details 
12.10.2022 06:1512.10.2022 07:00SW-Upgrade DCZ1 '-u' Switches in HIT D13Details 
11.10.2022 06:4511.10.2022 07:00SW-Upgrade DCZ1 '-v' Switche in RZY B65Details 
07.10.2022 06:3007.10.2022 07:30Network interruption Friday, 7th of Octobre 2022 from 06:30-07:30 in the building HCI communication room C125.5Details 
08.10.2022 07:0008.10.2022 12:00Maintenace UC ServerDetails 
11.10.2022 06:0011.10.2022 07:30Netzwerkunterbruch in der VTP Zone LFx am Dienstag 11.10.2022 von ca. 06:00 bis 07:30 Uhr CETDetails 
10.10.2022 06:0010.10.2022 07:30Netzwerkunterbruch in der VTP Zone LFx am Montag 10.10.2022 von ca. 06:00 bis 07:30 Uhr CETDetails 
06.10.2022 06:0006.10.2022 08:00Network interruption Thursday, 6th of Octobre 2022 from 06:00-08:00 in the building HIL communication room E30.6Details 
12.10.2022 00:0013.10.2022 06:00Network interruption Wednesday 12.10.2022 and Thursday 13.10.2022 from approx. 00:05-06:00 a.m. at the Walchwil / Fruebuel locationDetails 
30.09.2022 06:0030.09.2022 07:30Netzwerkunterbruch in den VTP Zonen HCI am Freitag 30.09.2022 von ca. 06:00 bis 07:30 Uhr CETDetails 
06.10.2022 00:0006.10.2022 06:00Netzwerkunterbruch Donnerstag 06.10.2022 von ca.00:05-06:00 Uhr an den Standorten Monte Verita, Preda und FrüebüelDetails 
30.09.2022 06:0030.09.2022 08:00Network interruption Friday, 30th of September 2022 from approx. 06:00-08:00 in the building WEH communication room C13.2Details 
19.08.2022 12:2518.10.2022 12:25?IT-Security Advisory: Critical Apple Updates for iPhones, iPads and Macs available. Please patch now!?Details 
18.10.2022 06:0018.10.2022 07:30Software upgrade to firewall/VPN cluster phase 3 on 10/18/2022 06:00-07:30Details 
29.09.2022 06:0029.09.2022 07:30Software upgrade to firewall/VPN cluster phase 2 on 09/29/2022 06:00-07:30Details 
25.07.2022 07:0029.09.2022 12:00Integrale Sicherheitstests Montag 25.07.2022 bis Freitag 29.07.2022 von ca. 07:00 - ca.12:00 Uhr im Geb?ude HPHDetails 
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