This or that? Stefan Spiegel in a video interview

Stefan Spiegel took office as Vice President for Finance and Controlling on the first of April. In an interview we asked him a few “this or that” questions.

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(Video: ETH Zurich / Nicole Davidson)

Stefan Spiegel took over from Robert Perich. He studied theoretical physics at the University of Zurich and obtained an Executive MBA of Vienna University of Economics and Business and the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. Spiegel has many years of management experience as a chief financial officer, head of controlling, and project manager for organisational development in the finance departments of national and international companies. Most recently, Stefan Spiegel was CFO and a member of the Management Board of SBB Cargo AG.


Stefan Peter Spiegel
VP Finance and Controlling

VP Finanzen und Controlling
Binzmühlestrasse 130
8092 Zürich


Helena Zarkov

Bereich VP Finanzen & Controlling
R?mistrasse 101
8092 Zürich

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