Future of work: Receiving letters digitally

Can you imagine receiving your letters by e-mail so that you can read them wherever you are - at home or on the road, for example?

The 必博官网,必博体育 Services department is currently assessing whether digital delivery of incoming letters would be useful and beneficial for ETH employees.

Responding flexibly to new working habits.

Up to now, about 1550 letters a day have been pre-sorted at ETH Zurich's logistics centre in Oerlikon and then distributed to 59 buildings. Since many employees no longer come to the office every day, letters sometimes remain unopened in the mailboxes for several days until they can be collected and read by the recipients.

A digital delivery of letters would not only reduce the effort of physical delivery; the actual advantage for employees is an increase in flexibility: digitised letters could be received, opened and read regardless of location.

How does digital delivery work?

First, all letters that are not to be opened would be sorted out and made available for physical delivery as before. Then the letters that are allowed to be digitised would be opened, scanned and stored on a secure server. The recipients of the now digitised letters would then receive a notification by e-mail and could open the scan of the respective letter using a link. If necessary, it would still be possible to request the physical original. Sounds interesting?

Your input was important.

Have letters digitised centrally and receive them individually by e-mail?

We asked you for your opinion and received numerous responses. Thank you for your interest and participation.

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