Leadership4Faculty: Productivity and Performance

2 h Online
  • 12.09.2024, 12:00 - 14:00: Online session for professors from 12:00-14:00 on 12 September.
End of registration period: 11.09.2024
Online course
  • Dorthe,?Peter André  ()
  • Kursadministration,?Development & Leadership, ETH Zürich  ()

Leadership4Faculty: Productivity and Performance

There are many factors that can slow progress in research teams. In this webinar we discuss how professors can help their group members improve time management, productivity and motivation. We explore the triggers and reasons for procrastination affecting individuals an how they can avoid these issues. We will also discuss what drain mental and emotional energy, including decision fatigue and the inner critic.

Format / Agenda

Short talk by guest speaker, Desiree Dickerson, followed by Q&A
Group discussions based on topics suggested by ETH professors
Take-?aways in plenary

Potential topics include:

Individual and team performance factors
Enhancing group productivity
Helping team members flourish


Only for ETH professors (assistant, associate, full)

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