AI Upskilling: Ethics in the age of AI

VPPL-KIU 20241112
1 Hour
  • 12.11.2024, 12:45 - 13:45: Ethics in the Age of AI<br />12 November 12:45-13:45<br />This session will be in English and in person.<br />The location will be announced later.
End of registration period: 11.11.2024
ETH Zurich, centre
In-person. Location will be announced at a later date.

This session will be held in English and in person. The location will be annoucned at a later date.

This talk and collective conversation will explore how to look beyond AI ethics principles to how digital technologies shape ethical and political forms of life in contemporary societies and what we can do about this as citizens and colleagues in a technical university.

With Speaker ETH Professor Margarita Boenig-Liptsin

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