Recruitment of doctoral students
The careful recruitment of doctoral students is crucial for the scientific progress of your research group and the candidates. A doctorate can only be successfully completed for both sides if a basis for joint collaboration has been established.
Before you advertise a new doctoral position, please note the following:
- Find out about the recruitment process from your responsible HR partner and on the recruitment websites
- Consult the protected page guide for interviews with prospective doctoral students.
- Communicate your expectations of the candidates openly and transparently during the interviews
- Actively ask candidates about their expectations and wishes
- Give an insight into the working methods within your research group
In order to be allowed to do a doctorate at ETH Zurich, the basic requirements for admission must be fulfilled. Before you accept a candidate for a doctoral position, please check with the central doctoral administration office whether the studies of potential candidates are recognised and admission is possible.
Please ensure that the export control requirements are met, if applicable.
Requirements for admission to a doctorate at ETH Zurich is
- a university Master's degree;
- a university diploma or other credential (state examination, etc.) which is equivalent to a Master's degree from an ETH in terms of content, scope and quality;
- a Master's degree from a university of applied sciences, university of applied sciences institute or university of teacher education, provided that they can verify excellent performance, i.e. outstanding academic achievements and superlative individual achievements in their discipline;
- outstanding credentials, as verified by outstanding individual scientific achievements in their discipline.Bedingung für die Zulassung zum Doktorat an der ETH Zürich ist.
Have you found the right candidate?
- Inform them about the registration of the doctorate at the central doctoral administration office. Employment and further steps can only take place after confirmation.
- The doctorate at ETH and employment within the framework of the doctorate are generally synchronised.
- The first year of a doctorate up to the completion of the aptitude colloquium is regarded as a trial year. Use this time to test doctoral candidates for their working methods and their ability to dedicate themselves to a scientific question.
Some doctoral students move to Switzerland to start a doctorate.
Moving to a new country is associated with many challenges. The Welcome Centre provides guidance on moving from abroad. The central doctoral administration office has also compiled some information on immigration and housing specifically for doctoral students.
Please support your new employees and forward this information to them in good time.