Implementation of corona safety measures during in-person exams

On Monday, 25 January 2021, ETH the Corona safety measures were insufficiently implemented during two examinations. In the meantime, ETH Zurich has corrected the signalisation and reminded the lecturers to comply with the safety measures.

The image of a crowded examination room at ETH Zurich has been doing the rounds in the media and on social media in recent days. In fact, on the first day of examinations with a total of 39 in-person examinations at ETH, ETH's own safety measures, with which we go beyond official requirements, were insufficiently implemented in two cases.

In one case, the room was not opened early enough, which meant that a group of students had to wait outside the entrance. In another case, a cascade of unfortunate circumstances led to an unbalanced distribution of students between two examination rooms. Both cases contradict ETH's principle of providing the maximum possible protection for students and lecturers at the presence examinations and should not have happened. Rector Sarah Springman has already apologised to the students affected.

The Rector has once again informed all lecturers of the importance of carefully implementing the additional safety measures and that the supervisory staff must also be instructed accordingly. In addition, ETH Zurich has corrected the signalisation of the examination rooms.

ETH Zurich is doing everything in its power to ensure that all safety measures are implemented correctly and continues to ask students for their support as well. Should students encounter situations during the upcoming examinations that are worrying with regard to the current Corona situation, then they should please contact the Examinations Office directly by telephone: Tel +41 44 632 20 68.

Further information on safety measures during in-person examinations can be found here:

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