ETH Week

ETH Week is a project-based course during which interdisciplinary groups of students spend one week defining a problem and developing a solution related to sustainable development.

ETH Week 2023: Circular Realities

Date: Sunday 10 – Friday 15 September
Language of instruction: English
Registration: open in mid-May on ETH Week

The programme lasts for six action-packed days, with events throughout each day and on most evenings. Participants attend talks and discussions, go on field trips throughout the Zurich area, as well as meet and network with 30+ experts at our Knowledge Fair.

After gaining this variety of input, each team defines its own specific problem statement and develops a solution following the design thinking approach. On the last evening, the teams present their ideas and prototypes in an engaging sketch-style pitch in front of a large audience, which includes an expert jury that will award several prizes. The location for most events is HPH Building on 必博官网,必博体育 H?nggerberg in Zürich.

For many students, this flagship course is one of their fondest memories of their time at ETH. It is a once-in-your-studies opportunity to engage with a variety of inspiring and influential leaders & changemakers and make new friends from other departments! ETH Week also has an exciting social programme, including a community night.  

The course is open to all Bachelor and Master students at ETH. 1 ECTS is awarded for your participation. This credit point will be visible on your diploma. Please note, that it may not count toward all degrees (please inquire with your department).  

ETH Week 2023: Circular Realities explores the concept of a circular economy. How can we achieve economic growth without using-up finite resources? How can we produce and consume without waste and pollution? How can we regenerate natural systems and keep products and materials in use? These are some of the questions that we will explore.  

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