EduApp for students

The new EduApp WebClient is here!

The EduApp is now also available as a Progressive Web Application (PWA). It contains the same functions as the mobile EduApp. Moreover, it is completely accessible.

Use the new EduApp and give us your feedback!

EduApp WebClient:

The functions of the Edu App simplify your daily university life and make your lectures more interactive.

You can use the EduApp to:

  • display your personal timetable
  • find lecture rooms and student workplaces
  • give feedback on lectures (semester feedback)
  • answer clicker questions during lectures
  • prepare for exams with the help of flashcards
  • call up the LINK timetable and its route
  • dial the ETH emergency number and be warned in case of incidents (please allow notifications for this purpose)

Semester spokespersons are chosen by the student associations. They use EduApp web access to collect student comments on courses for the purposes of semester feedback.

The EduApp consists of:

  • a web application (Login)
  • a mobile app for iOS and Android telephones

In the web app you will find clicker questions, course channels and semester feedback on your lectures. An activity ticker (dashboard) shows you the latest activities in your lectures, for example a clicker question that has been opened or a post in a course channel (forum). With the function "Flashcards" you can replay clicker questions during exam preparation. All clicker questions for which one or more answer options have been selected as "correct" are automatically made available as flashcards as soon as they are closed.

The mobile app also maps all the courses you have taken via MyStudies in a personal timetable and gives you links to other learning platforms or learning materials. Download the EduApp on your mobile phone or tablet before the start of the semester and log in to load the personal timetable. If you take further lectures in MyStudies, these will automatically be taken over by the EduApp.


Marinka Valkering-Sijsling

Abt. für Lehre und Lernen
Haldenbachstr. 44
8092 Zürich

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