Receipt of examination schedule

Typical questions in this phase

Session examinations

The examination schedules for session examinations will be published in three phases:

  1. Publication of the schedule of written session examinations (with indication of the examination dates, without locations), approximately two weeks (in Spring) resp. four weeks (in Autumn) before the end of the semester in myStudies.
    Please note: NO oral examinations are listed in this schedule!
  2. Publication of the schedule of oral session examinations (with indication of the examination dates, but only with provisional time designations), approximately six weeks before the start of the Summer examination session resp. four weeks before the start of the Winter examination session in myStudies.
    ALL oral and written session examinations are listed in this examination schedule.
  3. As soon as the deregistration-deadline has passed the examination schedules of the examiners will be optimized in order to fill gaps that have occured due to deregistrations of oral exams. The published examination dates are fixed - only the starting times of oral examinations might change within the days on which the exams will take place.
    Your personal examination schedule (including dates, locations and definite time designations) will be published shortly before the beginning of the examination session.

End-of-semester examinations

The dates of registered end-of-semester examinations are displayed in myStudies. If an end-of-semester examination is not displayed, this can be due to four reasons:

- the exam date has not yet been entered by the lecturers
- the registration for the corresponding end-of-semester exam is missing (in this case, please clarify whether a belated registration is still possible via the Examinations Office for a fee)
- it is a session examination or a so-called (graded or ungraded) semester performance
- the corresponding examination will be taken preponed or as a distance examination

Please always call the Examinations Office (Phone 044 632 20 68)!

For example:

  • An examination is missing
  • An examination has already been taken
  • An incorrect subject is listed
  • An “incorrect” examiner is listed

The personal examination schedule published in myStudies is binding in all cases– both for the students and the examiners.

Please note:

  • Written examinations may not be rescheduled.
    (See below regarding the rescheduling of oral examinations)
  • Only the supporting materials listed on the examination schedule may be used.
  • The DownloadDirective on the Examination Schedule (PDF, 181 KB) is always a fixed component of the examination schedule and is also displayed in myStudies.

In justified exceptional cases, an oral session examination may be rescheduled within the examination session.

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