Lea Pokorny & Pascal Guillet - microPow

Less active ingredient - enhanced perception

Lea Pokorny and Pascal Guillet, from left to right

The microPow delivery system for aromas and flavours will allow to drastically decrease the concentration of aroma compounds required to achieve the desired aroma in the end product, lead to improved sensory and functional properties in end products thanks to the unique microstructure of microPow and extended shelf-life of active ingredients such as aromas contained in food products due to their entrapment and protection during processing and storage in microPow.

microPow products will solve the current contradictory consumer trend asking for all-natural, additive free but in the same time highly convenient food products, by enhancing the perception and stability of natural aromas and flavours.

Find more information on their external pagewebsite

ETH news for industry article

Read the interview with Lea and Pascal about theirnovel aroma powder improving food, home-care and cosmetic products.
(ETH News for Industry)


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