Pioneer Fellows
The Pioneer Fellowship enables entrepreneurial ETH students and researchers in developing their research-based technologies into marketable products and services to launch a successful ETH Spin-off company. See what the current Fellows are working on in their projects.
Active Pioneer Fellows
B?rte Emiroglu
A novel wound dressing to correct excess inflammation in chronic wounds
Lilly van de Venn
Accurate and high-throughput off-target detection for precision and safety in genome engineering
Timo Küster and Friederike Biffar
AITHON Robotics
Safer, faster, and more cost-effective UAV solution for inspecting and maintaining critical infrastructure
Giuseppe Antoniazzi
FibroTech Solutions
Pioneering chemical probe for the early diagnosis and monitoring of fibrosis
Lukas Bircher
Contactless, automated, and cost-efficient corrosion inspection
Massimo Saini
CTC Apheresis for Personalized Targeted & Immune Therapy
Grace Kagho (Social Impact Pioneer Fellow)
A digital twin technology for sustainable urban planning in developing regions
Jessica Droujko
Breaking down the barriers of traditional water management using novel hardware and intelligent software to create an interconnected ecosystem
Marco Francesco D'Elia
Fluorescent, Recyclable and Self-?Healing Anticorrosion Coatings
Edoardo Pezzulli
Low-?cost monitoring of subsurface CO2, hydrogen and heat storage
Julia Carpenter
Ultra-?porous metal foams for efficient cooling
Gregor Perich
Connecting agriculture
Marie Perrin
Rare Earth Recovery and Separation
Rik Ubaghs
Arago Labs
Pioneering Digital Histology-based Navigation to optimize surgical resection of malignant brain tumors
Giorgia Greter
Preventing urinary tract infections with a glycoconjugate vaccine
Hao Liu
Shaping light to accelerate the development of life-saving therapies with accurate and reproducible human tissue models
Martin Stadler
Providing cutting-edge classical control for atom and ion-based quantum computers, powering the quantum revolution
Kyriakos Alexandros Chondrogiannis
Refueling the lifespan of buildings by deploying innovative technologies to protect traditional structures
Tansel Baran Yasar
Aeternus Neurotechnologies
Next-generation ultra-flexible brain implants for stable interfacing with brain networks at single-cell resolution
Stefan Villiger
Versive (former Reagiro)
Steering-?by-Leaning in Manual Wheelchairs
Carolina Paganini
Checktor Biosciences
Fighting drug resistance with point-?of-care tests
Pascal Auf der Maur and Betim Djambazi (left to right)
A revolution for confined spaces rescue and inspection!
David Stark
Mid-?infrared lasers for portable gas sensing solutions
Pioneer Fellow Alumni
Robert Axelrod
external page IMAI (InSight)
Bringing cancer detection to new dimensions
Host Professor: Mathys Alexander (HEST)
Andreas Kourouklis
Conductive Skin
Contuctive skin device for power transfer to life-saving implants
Host Professor: Mazza Edoardo (MAVT)
Fabrice Bagnoud and Iwan Haechler
Solar-powered durable antifog coating
Host Professor: Poulikakos Dimos (MAVT)
Paulius Viskaitis
external page smartVNS
Personalised and intelligent neurorehabilitation
Host Professor: Gassert Roger (HEST)
Nevena Paunovi?
external page OBaris
Painless alternative for delivery of injectable drugs
Host Professor: Leroux Jean-Christophe (CHAB)
Yvan Bosshard and Tiago Salzmann (left to right)
Bringing the Smart to Smart Infrastructure
Host Professor: Benini Luca (ITET)
Natanael Lanz
Next generation transistors
Host Professor: Hierold Christofer (MAVT)
Fabian Schmid
external page qCella
(re)shape heating
Host Professor: Niederberger Markus (MATL)
Jonas Wuest and Pragash Sivananthaguru (left to right)
external page Tethys Robotics
Enable search, recovery and inspection missions in all waters
Host Professor: Siegwart Roland (MAVT)
Julian Senoner (co-?founder, left), Bernhard Kratzwald (Pioneer Fellow, right)
external page ethonAI
Proactive Quality Management
Host Professor: Netland Torbjorn Hestenes (MTEC)
Bettina Thumm Müller
Ultra-??light suction device for improved skin characterization
Host Professor: Mazza Edoardo (MAVT)
Lukas B?cker and Severin Eder (left to right)
Authentic seafood analogues
Host Professor: Mathys Alexander (HEST)
Aurel Neff and Patrick Barton (left to right)
Laser-??based weeding robot
Host Professor: Walter Achim (USYS)
Alexandre Anthis
Smart patch, eradicating surgical leaks
Host Professor: Herrmann Inge Katrin (MAVT)
Lukas Ambühl
Scalable digital transportation twins for cities
Host Professor: Axhausen Kay (BAUG)
Simona Fehlmann, Nicole Kleger (left to right)
Add the third dimension to cells.
Host Professor: Studart André R. (MATL)
Mauro H?usler
Structural Monitoring of Rock Slopes
Host Professor: F?h Donat (ERDW)
Martin Hofmann
X14 foods
Marbled plant-?based meat analogues
Host Professor: Vermant Jan (MATL)
Philippe Bechtold (co-founder) and Michele Gregorini (left to right)
diaxxo (peakPCR)
Real-?time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)
Host Professor: Stark Wendelin (CHAB)
Mamta Chabria
Tandem Therapeutics
Targeting diseased microenvironment in fibrosis
Host Professor: Vogel Viola (HEST)
Karl-Philipp Schlichting
Nanoporous Graphene Membranes
Host Professor: Poulikakos Dimos (MAVT)
Mandy Boontanrart
Ariya Bio: Reactivating fetal hemoglobin in B-Hemoglobinopathy patients
Host Professor: Jacob Corn (BIOL)
Dominic Jud and Burak Cizmeci (left to right)
Teleoperated and Semi-Autonomous Heavy Machinery
Host Professor: Marco Hutter (MAVT)
Marc B?chinger
external page MindMetrix
Host Professor: Nicole Wenderoth (HEST)
Tino Matter and Sebastian Loy
external page anavo
Host Professor: Inge Herrmann (MAVT)
Hélène Iven and Sonia Meller (left to right)
external page DigitSoil
Host Professor: Emmanuel Frossard (USYS)
Marc Reig Escalé
external page Versics
Host Professor: Rachel Grange (PHYS)
Paul Baade
Cost-?effective battery manufacturing
Host Professor: Vanessa Wood (MAVT)
Yurena Segui Femenias
external page DuraMon - Durability Monitoring of infrastructures
Host Professor: Ueli Angst (BAUG)
Zuzana Sediva
external page GROAM - Alternative Foaming agents
Host Professor: Erich Windhab (HEST)
Alexander Tanno
external page Hemetron - Novel Hand-Held Electrochemical Lateral Flow Assay
Host Professor: V?r?s Janos (ITET)
Timothy Sandy
Visible Referencing Systems
Host Professor: Marco Hutter (MAVT)
Marcel Schuck
external page NoTouchRobotics
Host Professor: Johann Kolar (ITET)
Vanesa Natalin Rocha Martin
external page BactoKind
Host Professor: Christophe Lacroix (HEST)
Jonathan Kiefer
Host Professor: Dario Neri (CHAB)
Mohsen Ewaida
Host Professor: Gustavo Alonso (INFK)
Simon Hecker
external page Aegis Rider Technology
Host Professor: Luc Van Gool (ITET)
Christoph Schneeberger
external page Antefil Composite Tech
Host Professor: Paolo Ermanni (MAVT)
Cyrill Hess & Melanie Binggeli
Host Professor: Achim Walter (USYS)
Michael Wetter
Host Professor: Markus Aebi (BIOL)
Alessandro Ofner & Michael Hagander
external page Microcaps
Host Professor: André Studart (MATL)
Thomas Zumbrunn
external page CustomSurg
Host Professor: Stephen Ferguson (HEST)
Etienne Jeoffroy
external page FenX
Host Professor: André Studart (MATL)
Lukas B?ni
external page planted
Host Professor: Erich Windhab (HEST)
Gnanli Landrou
external page Oxara
Host Professor: Guillaume Habert (BAUG)
Claudia H?ssbacher
external page Polariton Technologies
Host Professor: Juerg Leuthold (ITET)
Pascal Buholzer & Bernhard Winter
external page Scewo
Host Professor: Roland Siegwart (MAVT)
Volker Bartenbach
external page Auxivo
Host Professor: Roger Gassert (HEST)
Ali Oezhan Altun
external page UNISERS
Host Professor: Christofer Hierold (MAVT)
Oskari Vinko & Maximilian Schulz
external page UniteLabs
Host Professor: J?rg Stelling (BSSE)
Enkelejda Miho
external page aiNET
Host Professor: Sai Reddy (BSSE)
Mark Bispinghoff & Andreas Schmocker
external page Lumendo
Host Professor: Hansj?rg Grützmacher (CHAB)
Marcel Gort & Manuel Heckhorn
external page Rapid Graft
Host Professor: Mirko Meboldt (MAVT)
Steven Schmitt & Irene Wüthrich
Host Professor: Sven Panke (BSSE)
Xavier Garrabou
Lock and Key Bioscience (Quiralex)
Host Professor: Donald Hilvert (CHAB)
Manuel Schaffner & Petar Stefanov
external page Spectroplast
Host Professor: André Studart (MATL)
Lea Pokorny & Pascal Guillet
Host Professor: Erich Windhab (HEST)
Claudia Murar
Host Professor: Jeffrey Bode (CHAB)
Sergio Sanabria
Host Professor: Orcun G?ksel (ITET)
Philipp Furler
external page Synhelion
Host Professor: Aldo Steinfeld (MAVT)
Max Ahnen and Jannis Fischer
external page Positrigo
Host Professor: Günther Dissertori (PHYS)
Vincent Martinez and Luca Hirt
external page nanoleq
Host Professor: Janos V?r?s (ITET)
Christina Wouters
Host Professor: Christopher Hierold (MAVT)
Lorenz Meier and Lukas Meier
Host Professor: Marc Pollefeys (INFK)
Zhenzhong Su and Tonio Gsell
external page Fixposition
Host Professor: Markus Rothacher (BAUG)
Patrizia Marschalkova
external page Dicronis
Host Professor: Jean-Christophe Leroux (CHAB)
Patric Eberle
Host Professor: Dimos Poulikakos (MAVT)
Marco Habegger
Host Professor: Janos V?r?s (ITET)
Michela Puddu
external page Haelixa
Host Professor: Wendelin Stark (CHAB)
Benedikt Wanner
external page Synple Chem
Host Professor: Jeffrey Bode (CHAB)
Sohyeion Jeong and Lubor Ladicky
Host Professor: Markus Gross (INFK)
Thomas de Wouters
external page PharmaBiome
Host Professor: Christophe Lacroix (HEST)
Tina Hovestadt
Host Professor: Mirko Meboldt (MAVT)
Franz-Josef Obermair
external page Tepthera
Host Professor: Manfred Kopf (BIOL)
Thomas Nescher
external page Inspacion
Host Professor: Konrad Wegener (MAVT)
Claudia Kuster
Host Professor: Markus Gross (INFK)
Mattias Ivarsson
external page Inositec
Host Professor: Jean-Christophe Leroux (CHAB)
Oliver Weingart
Host Professor: Martin J. Loessner (HEST)
Ulf Blanke
external page Antavi
Host Professor: Gerhard Tr?ster (ITET)
Andreas Hugi
external page IRsweep
Host Professor: Jér?me Faist (PHYS)
Martin Ebner
external page Battrion
Host Professor: Vanessa Wood (MAVT)
Sabrina Badir
external page Pregnolia
Host Professor: Edoardo Mazza (MAVT)
Diego Marti
external page Diramics
Host Professor: Colombo Bolognesi (ITET)
Andreas Essig
Host Professor: Markus Aebi (BIOL)
Moritz Haag
Host Professor: Markus Reiher (CHAB)
Christopher Millan
Host Professor: Marcy Zenobi-Wong (BIOL)
Tom Reuter
Host Professor: Chiara Daraio (MAVT)
Matthias Krebs
external page Aerotain
Host Professor: Roland Siegwart (MAVT)
Andreas Lauber
external page ANYbotics
Host Professor: Roland Siegwart (MAVT)
Vincent Forster
external page Versantis
Host Professor: Jean-Christophe Leroux (CHAB)
Simone Bottan
external page Hylomorph
Host Professor: Dimos Poulikakos (MAVT)
Olgac Ergeneman
external page Magnes
Host Professor: Nelson Bradley (MAVT)
Nickolay Todoroff
Host Professor: Gisbert Schneider (CHAB)
Jijo Vallooran
Host Professor: Raffaele Mezzenga (HEST)
Xiang Li
external page ZuriMed Technologies
Host Professor: Jess Snedeker (HEST)
Kevin Mader
external page 4Quant
Host Professor: Marco Stampanoni (ITET)
Bryan Anastasiades
external page Noonee
Host Professor: Fumiya Iida (MAVT)
Martin K. Ostermaier
external page InterAx Biotech
Host Professor: Gebhard Schertler (BIOL)
Matthias Dantone
Host Professor: Luc Van Gool (ITET)
Hans-Anton Keserue
external page rqmicro
Host Professor: Petra S. Dittrich (BSSE)
Marco Trudel
Host Professor: Bertrand Meyer (INFK)
Angela Yao
external page Parquery
Host Professor: Luc Van Gool (ITET)
Wang Hao
Host Professor: Günther Detlef (CHAB)
Patrick Galliker
external page Scrona
Host Professor: Dimos Poulikakos (MAVT)
Stefan Richter
Host Professor: Manfred Morari (ITET)
Felix Holzner
external page SwissLitho
Host Professor: Nicholas Spencer (MATL)
Stéphane Kühne
external page microGauge
Host Professor: Christofer Hierold (MAVT)
Pratik Mukerji
external page Electric Feel
Host Professor: Jürgen Biela (ITET)
Stephan Koch
external page Adaptricity
Host Professor: G?ran Andersson (ITET)
Choi Jong Wong
Host Professor: Hyung Gyu Park (MAVT)
Delano Landtwing
Host Professor: Stefan Wiemer (ERDW)
Marie-Christine Fluet
external page ReHaptix
Host Professor: Roger Gassert (HEST)
Florian Perrodin
external page Distran
Host Professor: Roland Siegwart (MAVT)
Fabian Nater
Host Professor: Luc Van Gool (ITET)
Susanne Wolfrum
Host Professor: Erick M. Carreira (CHAB)
Christoph Barmet
external page Skope Magnetic Resonance
Host Professor: Klaas P. Prüssmann (ITET)
Fabian K?hler
Host Professor: Wendelin Stark (CHAB)
René J?hne
Host Professor: Edoardo Mazza (MAVT)
Alexander Hasse
external page Monolitix
Host Professor: Paolo Ermanni (MAVT)
Ferdinand Felder
Host Professor: Jürg Dual (MAVT)
Jan Lukas Giesbrecht
Host Professor: Paul Smith (MATL)
Rober Adelmann
Host Professor: Mattern Friedemann (INFK)
J?rg Albuschies
Host Professor: Viola Vogel (HEST)
Apply here for the ETH Pioneer Fellowship Deep-Tech and Social Impact Incubation Program
Note: You can apply for both programs, but can only receive one fellowship. You must apply for each program individually.
For further information and questions contact