ETH News
All stories by Prof. Arno Schlüter, ETH Zürich
Soft robotics for adaptive building facades
Today, building envelopes tend to be static and unable to adapt to changing conditions. Now, for the first time, an adaptable fa?ade has been used for the newly inaugurated House of Natural Resources (HoNR) that produces electricity and regulates light and heat generation.
3-for-2: Less energy, more space
Urbanization, the general shift from rural to urban living, causes the rapid growth of cities and represents one of the key challenges facing our society. Many epicenters of urbanization are in tropical regions, making the climatic context a central challenge for sustainable construction design.
Zernez Energia 2020 – Transformation eines Bergdorfes
Die Gemeinde Zernez plant, bis zum Jahr 2020 vollst?ndig auf den Einsatz fossiler Energietr?ger für Heizung und Warmwasser zu verzichten und ihren Elektrizit?tsbedarf durch eigene Produktion zu decken. Das Projekt mit dem Titel ?Zernez Energia 2020? entstand anl?sslich des 100-j?hrigen Jubil?ums des Schweizerischen Nationalparks.