Barrier-free services
Barrier-free arrival and orientation
Orientation on the two ETH campuses in the centre of Zurich and on the H?nggerberg is not always easy. ETH provides information and support to help everyone find their way around the buildings and campuses.
- Getting to the campus and Parking at ETH provides information on getting there and barrier-free parking spaces.
- The PolyMaps navigation (link to follow) shows barrier-free routes within and between ETH buildings.
- Directions to many ETH buildings are available for visually impaired and blind persons.
- The room informationen (list follows) provides an overview of the accessibility and barrier-free equipment of rooms, for example with hearing loops.
- A complete overview lists all gender-neutral and barrier-free toilets in ETH building.
- Retreat rooms are available for Download breaks or treatments for health reasons (PDF, 140 KB).
- The ASVZ provides information on the external page Barrier-free use of sports facilities (German).external page
The websites on barrier-free construction and signage provide general information on planning and construction processes. The reporting portal of real estate services can be used to register room and construction requirements.
Barrier-free studying and learning
The Counselling and Coaching Centre provides students and prospective students with comprehensive information and advice on the topic of ‘Studying with a disability’. Further offers and services support students during their studies.
- The Counselling and Coaching Centre informs and advises students and prospective students with disabilities, impairments or chronic illnesses.
- The unit for teaching and learning supports students and lecturers in designing learning materials that are accessible.
- The ETH Library converts print materials and electronic documents into accessible PDF/UA formats. Accessible documents can also be created in Self-service.
- Accessible learning workstations are available in four ETH libraries.
Further information and contact persons for related topics, such as studying and mental health, safety, health and environment, or diversity at ETH Zurich, are available on the respective websites.
Barrier-free working and teaching
Making teaching materials and lessons accessible to as many or all students as possible is a challenge. ETH Zurich provides information and support for lecturers with a range of offers and courses. Advice and support for all ETH employees with disabilities and their superiors is provided by the HR Counselling department.
- The HR partners of the HR Counselling department and the Case Management office provide advice and support to ETH employees with disabilities and their superiors.
- Courses on the topic of digital accessibility and accessibility are offered regularly.
- The Department for Learning and Teaching supports students and lecturers in designing learning materials that are accessible.
- The ETH Library converts print materials and electronic documents into accessible PDF/UA formats. Accessible documents can also be created using self-service.
- Video recordings of lectures are automatically subtitled and information on accessible videos is available.
Further information and contact persons for related topics such as mental challenges, safety, health and environment, health in the workplace or diversity at ETH Zurich are available on the respective websites.
Barrier-free events and communication
Communication and events play an important role in everyday life. Not every means of communication reaches everyone, and accessibility is also a crucial factor at events in order to welcome all guests. Below you will find tips on how to make your communication and events accessible to everyone.
- Corporate Communications provides information on the topic of digital accessibility.
- Courses on the topic of digital accessibility and accessibility are offered regularly.
- Information, checklists and support for organising accessible events are provided by the Event Management team.
- Accessibility tips for tour guides and subject matter experts help to organise accessible tours and events.
Experiencing and researching accessibility
Around 1.8 million people with disabilities live in Switzerland. To raise awareness among ETH members and provide a new perspective on the topic, regular events and activities are held at ETH Zurich. Further initiatives and research projects are advancing the topic of accessibility in a variety of ways.
- The awareness workshop ‘Perspektivenwechsel’ (change of perspective) is regularly offered together with experts from external page Sensability. ETH members can experience what it is like to be in a wheelchair, to use a white cane and simulation glasses, or to have hearing impairments. Current dates are listed under Events.
- An interactive exhibition ‘Barrier-free ETH Zurich’ introduces visitors to existing barriers and solutions for greater accessibility.
- Many of ETH Zurich's public tours are wheelchair accessible or offered in sign language. Some tours have been redesigned to make them particularly suitable for people with visual impairments.
- The CYBATHLON, an international competition for the latest assistive technologies for people with disabilities, takes place every four years.
- The ETH Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC) pursues a holistic rehabilitation approach to better meet the needs of patients and people with physical disabilities.
- In teaching, the topic of accessibility is represented, for example, in the Rehabilitation and Inclusion (D-HEST) programme or by the Architecture and Care (D-ARCH) professorship.