Science & PINS Prize for Neuromodulation to Stanisa Raspopovic
Stanisa Raspopovic, Professor of Neuroengineering in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology, was awarded one of the most prestigious prizes for young researchers in the field of neuromodulation.
Tanja Stadler receives SMBE Mid-Career Excellence Award
The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution (SMBE) honours Tanja Stadler, head of the Computational Evolution group, with its 2021 Mid-??Career Excellence Award. The selection committee was impressed by Tanja’s achievements and the unique and innovative blend of mathematics, computer science, and biology to unravel the genomics of infectious diseases. As part of the ceremony, Tanja gives a keynote talk on SARS-??CoV-?2 genomes and the pandemic spread.
Nako Nakatsuka named to MIT Technology Review's Innovators Under 35 list
Nako Nakatsuka, a Principal Investigator at the Laboratory of Biosensors and Bioelectronics (D-ITET), was named to MIT Technology Review's Innovators Under 35 list. Each year since 1999, exceptionally talented young innovators whose work has the greatest potential to transform the world have been selected to the prestigious list.?
Prize for Excellence in Development Research for Selina Bezzola
Selina Bezzola has received the “Prize for Excellence in Development Research” 2021 for her outstanding dissertation on the impact of corporate social responsibility activities of mining companies in Africa. The Prize is awarded by the German Economic Association's Research Group on Development Economics and the KfW Development Bank.