Archive internal news

All stories that have been tagged with VPPL

A well-prepared appraisal interview

  • tips and tricks
  • Internal news

ETH Zurich’s salary system: how does it work?

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

Future Day 2024: register for the attendance draw

  • 必博官网,必博体育
  • Internal news

‘The keys to your future’: apprentice graduation ceremony 2024

Internal news

New service provides support for conflicts at work

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

On equal footing: the new Dialog appraisal interview

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

Stay curious! – Learning event for all ETH employees

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

The future of work at ETH

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

Better balance between caring for family members and working life

  • Working at ETH
  • Community
  • Internal news

Results of the 2023 survey of scientific staff

  • Institutional
  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

Dialog: the new appraisal interview format

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

"No one is at the mercy of their emotions"

  • Institutional
  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

The new Respect programme

  • Institutional
  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

The new VPPL course programme is here - sign up now

Working at ETH

“I want everyone at ETH to be appreciated.”

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

“Leadership Feedback Process” test run successfully completed

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

How can I reduce stress by being part of a community?

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

Call for nominations: Diversity Award 2023

  • Community
  • Internal news

Unlocking Good Health through Social Connections

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

Collaborative learning environment for all employees

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

Investigating the status of women faculty at ETH

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

“Time to shine”: the 2023 apprentice graduation ceremony

  • 必博官网,必博体育
  • Internal news

New guest regulations in force from 1 July 2023

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

Initial findings from the “Future of Work” survey

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

Free places for kihz holiday childcare

Where can I report inappropriate behaviour?

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

Tips for dealing with internal stressors

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

“Women researchers and students are highly ambitious and committed”

  • Community
  • Internal news

Results of the 2022 survey of scientific staff

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

Recognising and overcoming internal stressors in everyday work

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

Free places for kihz holiday childcare

  • 必博官网,必博体育
  • Internal news

Thomas Meierhans wins the ALEA Award

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

ETH adopts new vocational training strategy

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

Learn on International Women’s Day how to negotiate salaries

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

How to implement the new competencies in your everyday life

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

Salary adjustments for doctoral students and scientific assistants I at ETH Zurich

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

Salary rates for ETH doctoral students to be adjusted

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

By ETH, for ETH

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

The search is on for a solution to the cost-of-living adjustment for doctoral students

  • Institutional
  • For researchers

ALEA award gets an upgrade

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

New commercial training lab makes start into professional life easier

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

Flexible working for researchers

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

“Future Day” at ETH

  • Community
  • Internal news

E-learning course on dealing with sexual harassment in everyday studies and work

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

Future Day 2023

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

Flexible working during the “Return to the office” phase

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

Apprenticeship as an important piece of the mosaic

  • Working at ETH
  • Internal news

The post-pandemic workplace at ETH Zurich

Working at ETH

Last round of LunchLottery to be held


Using inclusive job ads for more diverse teams

New FAQs on Return to the office & Future of Work

Recording of the lunchtime event: "Sleep as a success factor"

Internal news

Town hall meeting: “Return to the office & Future of work”

"Dialogue remains key."

Successful audit of equal pay at ETH Zurich

Internal news

New offers to improve mental health

That was the Respect campaign 2021

Internal news

Information on handling and reducing time balances

Internal news

Respect events: register now

Internal news

Start of the new Respect campaign

Internal news

LunchLottery: Back from the summer break

Internal news

“Employees and supervisors have a shared responsibility”

LunchLottery taking a break for the summer

Internal news

Town hall series: Emotional fitness – with coronavirus update

Internal news

Working from home no longer compulsory

Internal news

New coronavirus master plan valid from Monday

Internal news

Townhall on the Covid 19 situation at ETH Zurich

Internal news

Flexible workstations at ETH – are you for or against?

Internal news

Off to a promising start: the new Office of Personnel Development and Leadership

Internal news

Regular saliva PCR tests for ETH members

Internal news

LunchLottery now to be held monthly

Internal news

Questions raised about the two surveys among ETH employees

Internal news

Expectation and reality

Internal news

LunchLottery: Sign up now for the next round!

Internal news

Townhall series: mental fitness and excellent leadership

  • The Executive Board reports
  • Internal news

Postponement of the “togETHer” staff party

Internal news

New townhall series on the importance of physical fitness for well-being

  • The Executive Board reports
  • Internal news

These values matter to me! Join in our survey to help us take our pulse

rETHink Blog

ETH welcomes two new vice presidents

  • life
  • Internal news

#moveETH: exercise your way out of the corona rut

"Well-being in challenging times": new town hall series kicks off

  • The Executive Board reports
  • Internal news

Workspaces of the future appear in Oerlikon

Video interview with ETH Vice President Julia Dannath

  • Internal news
  • In person

Coronavirus crisis: New master plan for ETH Zurich

  • Alumni
  • Internal news

Finding your way through difficult situations

  • life
  • Internal news

Have your say in shaping ETH’s values

rETHink Blog

“A culture of trust and a clear personnel policy are complementary elements”

Internal news

“The lockdown has fostered a culture of trust”

Internal news

rETHinking our culture and values

Internal news

Apprentices in lockdown

Tips for working from home

Service info

Appraisal interviews: necessary evil or untapped opportunity?


Integrating open positions into webpages using identification numbers

Service info

Personal initiative is required


The future is already here

"Don’t complain, communicate!"


Respect in a nutshell

  • life
  • Service info

"The ETH Domain has developed an excellent solution”

Pension reduction compensated for by cushioning measures

ETH is built on respect

  • life
  • Service info
  • Internal news
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